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LaTeX on the Forum!


Anders Blom:
You can now use [tex]\LaTeX[/tex] equations on this Forum! The syntax is simple, just enclose the LaTeX formula in

--- Code: ---[ tex ]...[ /tex ]
--- End code ---

(without the spaces, they are inserted to prevent the tags from actually rendering TeX code!)

Some examples:

[tex]\blue\Large      e^x=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{x^n}{n!}[/tex]

There is even an interactive editor for equations! Click the last icon in the second button row (the blue one, to the right of the "list" icon)!

More examples to come (for now, see, which uses the same technique as we do)!

Anders Blom:
Sadly, this stopped working... It will be brought back at some point later.


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