QuantumATK > Installation and License Questions

FAQ: libstdc++.so.5/6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Anders Blom:
The libstdc++.so.5/6 is installed on most systems, but not all.

To install a missing libstdc++ library, visit http://rpm.pbone.net/ and search for libstdc++ for your relevant distribution. Download and rpm --install it (as root).

Link the installed library from the VNL lib directory, like so:

--- Code: ---ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 libstdc++.so.6
--- End code ---

Modify as needed for the location of the installed library, as found by (as root, in /)

--- Code: ---find -iname libstdc++*
--- End code ---


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