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Messages - massote

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Following the driver idea I manage to switch my driver to xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, version 1:1.0.12-1build2.

This fixed the problem though I am still not sure if the update in nvidia driver will fix it. Since I just want to use VNL to create my geometries, that is enough for me.

Thank you Anders for your help.


Thanks for the answer.

1. You should never install additional packages inside atkpython, unless you know exactly what you are doing. The package is self-contained and complete, so you would never need to add any packages. esp. not Python3 which is not used by ATK.

2. Try updating your graphics driver, the latest version is 340.101, release date Dec 14, 2016.

1. I never installed additional packages inside atkpython intentionally. I followed the same procedures I used in another computer. Python 3 is used in Linux Mint. I even tested what could happen when it is removed, it is not possible to do it. Also, it is installed python 2.7

2. I will check on the driver update. I am using a stable version.


Thanks for the reply. I did not have much time to answer promptly during holiday season.

This is written in the about box:

Virtual NanoLab - Atomistix ToolKit - Version 2016.3
System information
Build: 2016.3.7eb51b6
Platform: Linux
Python 2.7.11
Qt 5.5.0
PyQt 4.11.4

OpenGL information
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce 8400 GS/PCIe/SSE2
Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.98
Shading language version: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler

License information
Source: Local (academic)
Path: /home/massote/.quantumwise/licenses/license.lic
Expiration Date: Perpetual
Version: 16.0

Dear all,

this looks like a repeated question, and I tried hard to find a duplicate. Sorry if it was answered before.

Basically my problem is that VNL crashes when I am working in Builder. At first, it wasn't even opening the Builder app. I manage to install some packages that might be missing (python3 and libs), and then I restarted the computer.

After that I manage to open Builder without crash. Also, I turned off the option for shaders, which appeared to diminish the crashes. Now, it usually crashes when I am finishing a cleavage of a crystal.

I am using Linux Mint 18, which is basically the latest Ubuntu version of packages. I have VNL working on my notebook with the same OS, by the way.

I checked previous posts and all were related to graphics cards. Apparently I am using and updated nvidia driver.


I could not find a crash log, but when I am running on the command line I get the messages in the attached file.

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