Author Topic: Cannot access from other users  (Read 6621 times)

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Offline Aadhityan

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Cannot access from other users
« on: June 23, 2020, 16:32 »
The QuantumATK was installed in HPCC server in a user account(let us say user1). I cannot access from other users(let us say user2) in the same HPCC. Can I change some thing in environmental variable. I have try with including the path in my bashrc file. But still I cannot be able to access.

May I have to install for every user account in the HPCC?

But if we install the VNL in any (remote) system and access from the job manager with the same user account (user1 user name and password) it can be accessible. But not from other user account.

Offline Nordland

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Re: Cannot access from other users
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2020, 08:16 »
Normally this would depend on the file permission controled by the HPCC admin.

What are the permission of the installation files? and what error are you seeing?

Offline Aadhityan

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Re: Cannot access from other users
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2020, 17:24 »
Thank you so much... My problem resolved...

Thanks and regards,
Aadhityan A.