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Messages - pnprjt

Pages: [1]
I have performed the self-consistent calculation for zigzag nanoribbons with N odd and the result indeed shows linear current voltage response with much higher conductance which agrees with literature.


So, there is no problem with device set up or calculation. Then the result shows an interesting phenomenon for this type of structure.

Thank you for your helpful explanation.

Hi nori,

Thank you for your reply.

The result is unexpected for me because it contradicts with literature, e.g PRL 100, 206802 (2008). The I-V characteristics of perfect zigzag graphene ribbons should exhibit linear response. Here, the negative differential conductance appears even for small bias which is quite strange.

Hi all,

I have set up a simple device structure consisting of 8 zigzag GNRs (see attached image). I used the extended Huckel method with Cerda parameter set for Carbon and Hydrogen, performed the calculation self-consistently with energies = (-2,2,101), kpoints = (1,1,100). The calculation for bias from 0V to 0.6V in step 0.1V followed the tutorial (see attached scripts).

The results show negative differential conductance in the I-V curve which is quite unexpected. Could you please let me know if there is anything miscalculated or any problem with the device set up?

Thank you very much

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