QuantumATK Forum
QuantumATK => General Questions and Answers => Topic started by: Akash Ramasamy on September 23, 2024, 07:21
Dear all,
I have a doubt regarding the default broadening value in the LCAO calculator which is 1000 K. What does it mean?
The default broadening value of 1000 K typically refers to the temperature used to define the width of the electronic states in energy calculations.
For general information on "broadening" in DFT: https://docs.quantumatk.com/manual/technicalnotes/occupation_methods/occupation_methods.html
When using a temperature such as 1000K as broadening it is automatically converted to an energy using E = kB T, so for T = 1000 K, E = 0.086 eV.
Thanks for your kind reply. If I change the broadening to 300K, how much change will occur in my results? and it is correct.
As explained in the documentation it depends on whether your system is metallic or has a gap (semiconductor or insulator). For gapped systems the broadening should be smaller than the gap and you can in fact set it to something close to zero (like 1e-9). For metals there is no "magic number that suits every situation". For metals the broadening is correlated with the k-point sampling: the denser the k-points, the smaller the broadening you generally need. A broadening is an approximation and a tool to make calculations converge faster, but for accurate results you generally want to have it as small as possible - but that often means you have to increase the k-point sampling increasing the computational cost. What the "best" broadening and k-point sampling is is up to you. I recommend trying to do some convergence studies for a small system similar to what you are actually interested in. Try changing the k-point sampling and the broadening and see how it affects the results.
A follow up question on that:
I have a long stanene nanoribbon, and I am optimizing iron-tin cluster on it. My system is large in C direction so I need only few k-points, may be 1 k-point in C direction. So, I needs large broadening value?
This is what I understand from the discussion
If you look at the second formula in the documentation (how the density is calculated) you will see that it involves an integral over the Brillouin zone. This is turned into a numerical integral, a.k.a. sum weighted by the k-grid volume element dk = Δkx Δky Δkz. The broadening should be chosen proportional to this value. If your system is long along one dimension then the Δk will be small along that direction given a constant k-point density as the Brillouin zone is inversely proportional to the length along that direction: for a cell with perpendicular lattice vectors you have Δk = 2π/(LN), where L is the length of the cell along that direction and N is the number of k-points. If you keep only one k-point along the C direction then the broadening should be proportional to Δkx Δky = (2π)2/(Lx Nx Ly Ny)
As a rule of thumb you can use a broadening of 1000K for metals and 100K for semiconductors and if the metal has a hard time converging you can either 1) increase the k-point sampling (expensive) or 2) increase the broadening (cheap, but reduces quality of results due to artificial smearing)