QuantumATK Forum
QuantumATK => General Questions and Answers => Topic started by: GJK on October 1, 2016, 13:47
We optimize a system through functionalisation.How to calculate the average vale of forces and stress. We get the force and stress components in three dimensions.
Thank you
The forces are exerted on every atom. The stress is exerted on the cell lattice. The average of stress is usually taken over the diagonal terms (i.e., sigma_11, sigma_22, sigma_33). This average of stress gives the pressure on the cell lattice.
After the geometry optimization, the forces on atoms and the stress on cell should converge to a threshold value (specified by the user in the geometry optimization).
"How to calculate the average vale of forces and stress."
So, your question is hard to be understood.
In the analysis we have forces and stress to be calculated for an optimized system .How to get that average value I asked.
Here's how I would do it. Attached 2 scripts. As an example, Na2O2.py performs geometry optimization without minimizing the stress, and computes the Forces and Stress analysis objects. The script averages.py reads the analysis objects and computes averages in various ways.
<Force> : +1.120e-10 eV/Ang
<Stress>: -3.525e+00 GPa
Average force components:
<Fx>: +3.357e-10 eV/Ang
<Fy>: +4.524e-14 eV/Ang
<Fz>: +1.786e-13 eV/Ang