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Messages - Daniele Stradi

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It is impossible to say anything about this if you don't provide some details of the calculation such as a python script.

General Questions and Answers / Re: Spectral energy density SED
« on: November 9, 2016, 00:21 »
SED method is not implemented in ATK at the moment. It can be computed using scripting, but we don't have any script at the moment that can do it.

General Questions and Answers / Re: color of spatial regions
« on: November 9, 2016, 00:15 »
At the moment it cannot be done. I would suggest you to export the image to povray format and add the spatial region with your desired color using povray.

You should interpret it as an enhancement or suppression of the elastic transmission, the total transmission (elastic+inelastic) will be always positive.

General Questions and Answers / Re: ProjectionList
« on: November 7, 2016, 09:52 »
Hi Cyrille,

no unfortunately this cannot be done at the moment. Projections on angular momenta are on top of our priority list and will be available in ATK 2017.


It cannot be done automatically, because the calculations of the electrodes and that of the central region are actually 3 differentet calculations.

However, the PLDOS includes the electrodes extensions. If your device is modeled correctly, then the PLDOS (that is, the electronic structure) at the left/right boundary of the PLDOS plot should be the same as that in the bulk electrodes. 

Well, ATK calculations at finite biases are very well parallelized, so the actual solution is to run on more processes.

You should check if the Hartree difference potential is flat near the electrodes for that particular bias voltage (or for a slightly lower one). My guess is that you will find it is not flat, and this might be the reason for the poor convergence. It means that the central region is not sufficiently long to screen the electric field created by applying a bias voltage.

After checking that the electrostatic difference potential is OK, you can also try a less aggressive mixing (which will increase the number of steps needed to converge), such as



You might first try to first build monolayer phosphorene as explained in this tutorial:

and then create a nanoribbon starting from the structure of monolayer phosphorene.



1. yes, it makes perfect sense. Just a note: because you have an interface in the central region, you will have a dipole at the interface. I would suggest that you check how the Hartree potential decays along C, and make sure that all the electrostatic effects due to the dipole are confined in the central region. Since you have Dirichlet b.c. along C you want the potential to be flat in the region close to the electrodes. Check the section "The screening region" in:

Since screening is rather poor in 2D materials, you might need to use a longer central region.

2. yes you are right, your transistor setup is essentially the same as that used in the tutorial:

So you can calculate the device by following the same guidelines.


General Questions and Answers / Re: Problem with DOS calculation
« on: October 31, 2016, 11:12 »
Did you manage to visualize the band structure as Jess said? Does the problem persist?

I would say that that simply means that the CNT is non magnetic, as it should  :)

The difference you see is probably due to numerical accuracy, which has to be increased if you want to compare spin-polarized and non-spin polarized calculations.

General Questions and Answers / Re: Nanotube workfunction
« on: October 20, 2016, 11:46 »
yes, it is OK, the nanotube length does not matter.

General Questions and Answers / Re: Nanotube workfunction
« on: October 19, 2016, 15:00 »
I guess one the general principles are the same as those for the calculation of the work function for slabs:

with the periodic direction of the nanotube being either along A or B.

We have run your script using ATK 2015.1 without any issue. See attached log file. It is likely that the error you see is not related to ATK but to your machine, such as insufficient memory.

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