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Messages - AshKetchup

Pages: [1]
General Questions and Answers / Re: Missing add-on (sai export)
« on: January 9, 2025, 03:15 »
Thank you for the information.
I am essentially trying to use Quantum ATK to simulate defect energies, from first principles, at the interface between p-doped Si and Si as well as some material like InAs and Si. Then use that data to create a homogeneous and heterogeneous TFET devices in Sentaurus TCAD simulator. Please let me know if any further description is needed

General Questions and Answers / Missing add-on (sai export)
« on: December 31, 2024, 20:07 »
I am trying to export bandstructure data from Quantum ATK to Sentaurus using this tutorial:
In this tutorial, they mention exporting the output as a .sai file as this works for Sentaurus (I am unsure how to do this yet so if anyone has any documentation on importing .sai files into Sentaurus, that would be greatly appreciated!). However when I go to install the add on as suggested in the tutorial, it does not show up. Is there some other way to be download this add on, or perhaps is there an update to Quantum ATK that I need to make?

I am following the tutorial for quantum transport on Quantum ATK (, however I do not see any eigenvalue section within the Transmission analyzer block to visualize the eigenstates. In the tutorial, it is shown on the bottom left, but is not there now from what I can see. I am curious if an update since the tutorial, moved this section or removed it. Thank you.

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