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Messages - coollailai

Pages: [1]
That is really helpful.

Thank you.
I tried, and it works. this simple code can be used for subtraction.
VNL can plot the data directly. However, I can't do the data processing to this plot, especially the numerical analysis (like this figure at attachment). So I think export this data might be a good way. However, the export file (I save as txt format) is just a file containing a lot of matrix. And now I don't know how to do this.

General Questions and Answers / Re: Maximum number of atoms
« on: July 13, 2012, 11:25 »
In my group, we usually use the model containing under 400 atoms. However, we only have several servers.

hi, everyone.
I calculate electron difference density of two supercells(A and B) through VNL. And I want to do some data processing. For example, the electron difference density of A minus the electron difference density of B. I know in VNL there is a export choice about electron difference density . However, do I save the export file as txt format?  And I don't understand the export file and don't know how to do the data processing. Do I need to write some codes for data processing. If I have to write codes, can you share the standard format of codes?

It is possible to get the exact same effect as external electric field. You just have to setup it using metallic regions.

Here I have attached a system of graphene ribbon with a two metallic regions which will give an electric field strength of 0.1 V/Å.

I tried your advice and it works! thx~ :)

The "Boxregion" mentioned by you is available for the gate bias voltage, not for an external electric field.  

Is there a method to adding external electric field?

First, in ATK, There is a Boxregion object which can creat electric field in the nanospace. If I want to add an electric field on the nanoribbon model, I just need to write those language? And where are those words placed in the whole text?
 'metallic_region1 = BoxRegion(
        xmin = 0*Angstrom, xmax = 41.439*Angstrom,
        ymin = 0*Angstrom, ymax = 0.5*Angstrom,
        zmin = 5*Angstrom, zmax = 15.*Angstrom

metallic_region2 = metallic_region1(
        value = -1*Volt,
        ymin = 10*Angstrom, ymax = 12*Angstrom

Second, is there a method to add electric field whose direction is equal to the axis of nanoribbons? Axis of nanoribbons is usually the Z-axis in the model.

I hope you can give me some helps~~~ :)

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