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Messages - anshul34

Pages: [1]
General Questions and Answers / question related to simulation
« on: September 7, 2012, 10:12 »
Dear everyone,

1. I want to see the bonding strength between

                       Base Material: Tungsten Carbide

                       Bonding with: Ni-TiC Composite or Al- TiC


2. How can I make the electrodes of different shapes as shown in attachment?


3. The total energy as function for distance between the electrodes. It’s calculate for optimize the two probe device. Pls send me code for this       problem?


4. Is it possible to be calculated the light property like absorption coefftient and other like property?


5. I have seen that every I-V results of device configuration in atk are linear response. My question is how I can see the P-N DIODE (I-V) forward bias char. In addition, I want to see C-V curve. This is possible in atk.


6.  Can we make the organic material based design like as OTFT, OLED in atk?

thanks & regards

General Questions and Answers / How to optimize two-probe
« on: September 6, 2012, 18:20 »
Dear Quantum Wise,

P's suggested me how i can  optimize distance b/w electrode  with out change the scattering and crystal  size. i have read answer of these question on forum but i'  could not understand the answer.
pls send me code for calculating  total energy function of distance b/w electrode .

General Questions and Answers / capcitance calculated
« on: August 23, 2012, 10:57 »
Dear Quantumwise,

Please suggest me , how i can do  calculated the capacitance of particular atom in central region of two probe system ??

thanks & regards

General Questions and Answers / capcitance calculated
« on: August 23, 2012, 08:27 »
Dear Quantumwise,

Please suggest me , how i can do  calculated the capacitance of particular atom in device configuration????????

thanks & regards

General Questions and Answers / mterial and device
« on: August 23, 2012, 08:24 »
Dear QuantumWise

Please give me answer of these question?????????????????? could I prepare electrodes of various metals like Silver, Platinum, Lithium,Aluminium etc. It can be graphene ot CNT but I am interested in Metallic electrodes only. can I make the electrodes of different shapes

3.I was calculating the transport properties of CdS-CdTe-CdS nanowire, I could not get to convergence for most of the bias voltages in the range of -3 V to 3 V. I got the message that convergance could not be achieved after possible 199 steps. Please find the solutions and let me know those.

thanks & regards

General Questions and Answers / link or pdf
« on: August 18, 2012, 06:28 »
Dear Quantum Wise,

Can u me provide  PDFs or link for study purpose of atk simulation property. just like classic potential, blouch state, p dos, etc.

Please send me responsible answer of this question.

thanks & regards

General Questions and Answers / atk and vnl
« on: August 17, 2012, 11:34 »
Dear Quantum wise,
i am new in quantum Wise ATK so that i have alot question in  atk.

 can u give me  answer of these question.

1. chemical potential
3. Bloch state
4. how many no. of electrode on device configuration
5. we can calculated non linear i-v char. of  any diode (p-n , tunnel diode)
6.diff. b/w bottom and top approach or atk depend on which approach. have any manual of diode configuration like as - P-N DIODE. it possible to include new molecule in  vnl database 
Thanks &  regards

General Questions and Answers / Re: anlysis in atk and vnl
« on: August 17, 2012, 09:27 »
Dear quantum wise,
my quation is ,short description on these question .
1.chemical potential
2. p dos
3. bl ouch state
5. any tutorial provide of non line  graph of device configuration.
8. you can provide ,any process of include new molecule in VNL database by GUI Base not python code.
4. how many type make terminal device in atk.
6. MY question is ATK depend on which approach either bottom approach or top up approach .also describe both approach.

thanks & warms regard

General Questions and Answers / anlysis in atk and vnl
« on: August 17, 2012, 06:49 »
Dear Quantum wise,
i am new in quantum Wise ATK so that i have alot question in  atk.

 can u give me  answer of these question.

1. chemical potential
3. Bloch state
4. how many no. of electrode on device configuration
5. we can calculated non linear i-v char. of  any diode (p-n , tunnel diode)
6.diff. b/w bottom and top approach or atk depend on which approach. have any manual of diode configuration like as - P-N DIODE. it possible to include new molecule in  vnl database 
Thanks &  regards

General Questions and Answers / Re: charcristic
« on: August 13, 2012, 13:04 »
Dear QuantumWise,

can u provide any paper related to the non linear graph of device configuration ????????????????

General Questions and Answers / Re: charcristic
« on: August 13, 2012, 11:54 »
 Dear QuantumWise,

graph means I-V CHAR. OF device configuration

General Questions and Answers / Re: charcristic
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:07 »
Dear QuantumWise,
Acutallly my question is  , it is possible to be jenerated  non linear graph  of devices example is ni-graphene junction , p-n diode,and any diode  ???

General Questions and Answers / charcristic
« on: August 13, 2012, 06:55 »
Dear QuantumWise

Why always jenerated linear graph of any devices in atk. Is it possible to be jenerated non linear graph in atk ?????

Thanks & Regards

General Questions and Answers / P-N DIODE
« on: August 9, 2012, 13:34 »
Hi quantumwise

is it possible to be calculated  P-N DIODE f-b char.

General Questions and Answers / GPAW
« on: August 8, 2012, 08:58 »
Hi QuantumWise,

GPAW installation is needed for optical properties?

Please reply me asap

thanks & warms regards
Anshul Sikarwar

Pages: [1]