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Messages - carbn9

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Thanks Nordland. The structure you built seems really good.

One thing: In the builder, which menu should I use? Or is there a tutorial on this?

Thanks again...

Thanks Anders Blom.

"deform it into an ellipsoidal shape by compressing the cell in one direction while keeping the fractional coordinates fixed" Sorry but how to do this?  ::)

Best regards and fingers crossed...


I need to build the graphene shell shown in the second or the final step of the following image:

which is from the publication of

I know and I can build a graphene sheet with NanoSheet command and I studied the corresponding tutorial. However could you please help me for connecting upper and lower graphene sheets to form a shell like structure?

Best regards,

Thanks Anders, but how can we insert screening layers in perfect nanotube two probe geometry of the code of this thread?


Thank tou for your answers Sir.

Dear friends, I have generated a CNT of (4,4) using the code posted in this forum. The electrode and scattering region information that ATK generated are shown below. My question is: according to this information, what are the lattice constant and lattice vectors of electrodes and scattering region? Thanx.

# Scattering elements and coordinates
scattering_elements = [Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                       Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon]
scattering_coordinates = [[  7.00668,   4.29086,   2.46298],
                          [  6.21123,   6.21123,   3.69446],
                          [  4.29086,   7.00668,   2.46298],
                          [  2.37048,   6.21123,   3.69446],
                          [  1.57504,   4.29086,   2.46298],
                          [  2.37048,   2.37048,   3.69446],
                          [  4.29086,   1.57504,   2.46298],
                          [  6.21123,   2.37048,   3.69446],
                          [  6.64283,   5.64877,   2.46298],
                          [  4.99376,   6.91414,   3.69446],
                          [  2.93295,   6.64283,   2.46298],
                          [  1.66758,   4.99376,   3.69446],
                          [  1.93889,   2.93295,   2.46298],
                          [  3.58795,   1.66758,   3.69446],
                          [  5.64877,   1.93889,   2.46298],
                          [  6.91414,   3.58795,   3.69446],
                          [  7.00668,   4.29086,   4.92595],
                          [  6.21123,   6.21123,   6.15744],
                          [  4.29086,   7.00668,   4.92595],
                          [  2.37048,   6.21123,   6.15744],
                          [  1.57504,   4.29086,   4.92595],
                          [  2.37048,   2.37048,   6.15744],
                          [  4.29086,   1.57504,   4.92595],
                          [  6.21123,   2.37048,   6.15744],
                          [  6.64283,   5.64877,   4.92595],
                          [  4.99376,   6.91414,   6.15744],
                          [  2.93295,   6.64283,   4.92595],
                          [  1.66758,   4.99376,   6.15744],
                          [  1.93889,   2.93295,   4.92595],
                          [  3.58795,   1.66758,   6.15744],
                          [  5.64877,   1.93889,   4.92595],
                          [  6.91414,   3.58795,   6.15744],
                          [  7.00293,   4.27934,   7.39446],
                          [  6.21109,   6.20773,   8.61571],
                          [  4.28956,   6.99758,   7.38242],
                          [  2.37035,   6.21122,   8.62154],
                          [  1.5713 ,   4.28428,   7.40271],
                          [  2.36689,   2.37054,   8.6444 ],
                          [  4.28467,   1.56604,   7.41475],
                          [  6.20764,   2.36705,   8.63857],
                          [  6.6403 ,   5.63756,   7.38693],
                          [  4.99426,   6.91173,   8.61337],
                          [  2.93132,   6.63497,   7.38665],
                          [  1.66635,   4.99442,   8.62985],
                          [  1.93393,   2.92606,   7.41024],
                          [  3.58373,   1.66654,   8.64673],
                          [  5.64291,   1.92865,   7.41053],
                          [  6.91164,   3.58386,   8.63025],
                          [  7.00668,   4.29086,   9.8531 ],
                          [  6.21123,   6.21123,  11.0846 ],
                          [  4.29086,   7.00668,   9.8531 ],
                          [  2.37048,   6.21123,  11.0846 ],
                          [  1.57504,   4.29086,   9.8531 ],
                          [  2.37048,   2.37048,  11.0846 ],
                          [  4.29086,   1.57504,   9.8531 ],
                          [  6.21123,   2.37048,  11.0846 ],
                          [  6.64283,   5.64877,   9.8531 ],
                          [  4.99376,   6.91414,  11.0846 ],
                          [  2.93295,   6.64283,   9.8531 ],
                          [  1.66758,   4.99376,  11.0846 ],
                          [  1.93889,   2.93295,   9.8531 ],
                          [  3.58795,   1.66758,  11.0846 ],
                          [  5.64877,   1.93889,   9.8531 ],
                          [  6.91414,   3.58795,  11.0846 ]]*Angstrom

electrode_elements = [Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                      Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                      Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
                      Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon]
electrode_coordinates = [[ 7.00668,  4.29086,  0.     ],
                         [ 6.21123,  6.21123,  1.23149],
                         [ 4.29086,  7.00668,  0.     ],
                         [ 2.37048,  6.21123,  1.23149],
                         [ 1.57504,  4.29086,  0.     ],
                         [ 2.37048,  2.37048,  1.23149],
                         [ 4.29086,  1.57504,  0.     ],
                         [ 6.21123,  2.37048,  1.23149],
                         [ 6.64283,  5.64877,  0.     ],
                         [ 4.99376,  6.91414,  1.23149],
                         [ 2.93295,  6.64283,  0.     ],
                         [ 1.66758,  4.99376,  1.23149],
                         [ 1.93889,  2.93295,  0.     ],
                         [ 3.58795,  1.66758,  1.23149],
                         [ 5.64877,  1.93889,  0.     ],
                         [ 6.91414,  3.58795,  1.23149]]*Angstrom

electrode_cell = [[ 12.8726 ,   0.     ,   0.     ],
                  [  0.     ,  12.8726 ,   0.     ],
                  [  0.     ,   0.     ,   2.46298]]*Angstrom

# Set up electrodes
electrode_configuration = PeriodicAtomConfiguration(

Dear all, When I tried to generate a (3,3) CNT as TwoProbe, the script gave the following error. How can I correct it? Regards, Maresh

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:/docume~1/master1/locals~1/temp/", line 254, in ?
    nanotube = createPerfectNanotubeAsTwoProbe (n,m,1,(element1,element2),aCC)
  File "c:/docume~1/master1/locals~1/temp/", line 232, in createPerfectNanotubeAsTwoProbe
    electrode = createNanotubeAsPAC (n,m,elec_reps,elements,bondlength)
  File "c:/docume~1/master1/locals~1/temp/", line 187, in createNanotubeAsPAC
    elements = myTube.siteCount()*[elements[0],]+myTube.siteCount()*[elements[1],]
AttributeError: PhysicalQuantity instance has no attribute '__getitem__'
Terminated Abnormally

Hi again. Thanks for yur post.
When I extract the real space electron density, I get 126 z-coordinate points. How can I increase this number in simulation, i.e. how can we increase the number of mesh in the z-axis?

General Questions and Answers / Re: Check parallel performance
« on: February 21, 2009, 08:13 »
Hi friends, I tried the (5,5) CNT simulation sent by Anders Blom. I see that the simulation file, there are 64 C atoms in the scattering region with 16 C atoms in the electrode. Unit cell of a (5,5) CNT has 20 atoms as VNL shows. How did you construct this simulation file? With 4 unit cells? Moreover, how can we construct a two-probe system from another CNT i.e. how can we specify the electrode atoms and electrode unit cell? Thanks...

Hello Nordland, vey thanks but  I tried the new script but it still gives the x coordinate first :( Can you post it again please ? :)

Dear sirs, I tried to modify the script export3d in order to make it write the z-coordinate first like

z(Bohr)     x(Bohr)     y(Bohr)    Value
0               0              0           some value
0               0.00121     0           some value
0               0.00124     0           some value


I could not make it work. Could you help me how to modify the script to do this?


General Questions and Answers / Parallel code
« on: February 14, 2009, 19:32 »
Hi firends,

I tried to see the paralellization of ATK how much it speeds up calculations? I runned the Li-H2-Li two-probe example on single core and then at six cores. But while 1 core completed in 2:38 mins, 6 cores completed in 5:51 mins. I am very surprised since parallelization made things slower. I looked at the system performance during runs, when running in parallel, most of the time is spent during MPI communication more than real calculation I think. I concluded that for small systems, MPI parallelization may have negative effect, is this true, or am I making sth wrong? Is there a trick that must be used during parallel calculation? I gave the command:

mpiexec -n 6 /ATK dir  /file name after connection all cores using mpd. I used the given in the manual without modifying the code. Is there anything to add in order to order ATK to parallelize??


General Questions and Answers / Re: How to optimize two-probe
« on: February 9, 2009, 19:45 »
Thank you.

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