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Messages - Ankur Jha

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone,
                            I would like to know the physical significance of Transmission Spectrum and also other parameters which can be found out from it. Please reply as soon as possible,

Thanking You

General Questions and Answers / Number of atoms in a CNT
« on: December 23, 2014, 15:04 »
Hello friends.......
I wish to know how to calculate the number of atoms in a CNT. Also, does it depend on the (n,m) value ? If yes, please tell me the mathematical formula for the same.
If it depends on other factors, kindly mention them as well.

Seeking for a fruitful reply from the readers of this post as soon as possible......

Thank You

Hello everyone...
I wish to design a cnt fet in atk for which i am trying to insert a cnt into cubic zirconia (ZrO2). But I am unable to drill a perfect tunnel through ZrO2.
I also wish to know whether ZrO2 can exist as a nanotube or not. Please do reply to this post to suggest me a way out of this problem.

Thank You

General Questions and Answers / CNT FET
« on: October 27, 2014, 21:21 »
Hello everyone....
I am working on cnt fet in atk. I have simulated some structures and calculated the desired parameters. I wish to know about the future prospects of cnt fet and what additional parameters can be calculated for them in atk. Suggestions on innovative applications of cnt fet in devices would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

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