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Messages - Parveen

Pages: [1] 2
What is the charge transfer mechanism that is followed in ghost atoms in M-I-S-M device structure? That is Metal- Insulator- Space(ghost atoms)- Metal devices. Is it any kind of tunneling like direct/FN or charge hopping?

But there is no usage example

Though in ref. manual it say STM analysis under Bulk Analysis but it is not in software.

      I was looking for usage example for STM kind of calculation in latest ATK v2018.06. But unable to find any. can anyone please share the example script for such calculations. Moreover I was expecting a new bulk to device tool in builder in v2018.06 or else STM analysis in Analysis section. But unable to found any. If anyone able to utilize the keyword meant for STM study then kindly share.

I was looking for the formulation for transmission coefficient used in VNL ATK. Is it Breit-Wigner formula? can you provide related reference?

Please share your e-mail address.


I'm re-posting this issue that i encountered few months ago. see the conversation at ( where I raised that the different in current value by IV plot and transmission analyser. I re-run the entire process considering same parameters as in IV curve analysis and FBTS analysis. But problem still persist. I request you to please send your e mail address so that i can send you desired scripts.

General Questions and Answers / Re: device bandstructure
« on: July 5, 2017, 08:39 »
Is it possible to plot band-structure diagram for devices with the help of VNL-ATK? I'm using 2014.3 version and didn't find any analyser for band-structure.

Hi daniele

If you know of any available tutorials like example script or any video might be great help to me.



I would like to know that is it possible to perform scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) kind of calculations with the help of VNL-ATK 2014.3 through python script? I was checking into Manual section and I found keyword for STM calculations . I just want to know if ATK 2014.3 is able to read this keyword?



I was trying to analyse the transmission eigen states post-IV. In transmission analyzer I noticed that the value of current was different from that obtained from IV plot at same bias voltage. can you please explain why this is so?

Thank you

It was generated by ATK 2014.3 only, rather before this run, i gave another run for quantum numbers near to HOMO LUMO levels and there was no problem for executing that.

General Questions and Answers / Eigen State Calculation error
« on: August 6, 2016, 11:42 »

I was trying to determine the Eigen States for my device for quantum numbers somewhat far from those near to HOMO and LUMO levels but end up with following error. I can't figure out why it is showing incompatibility error though i made the script from current version only. Please look at the error message.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./zipdir/NL/GUI/MainWindow/LabFloor/", line 201, in load
File "/opt/QuantumWise/atk-13.8.1/vnl/lib/python2.7/site-packages/AddOns/ATKNCImporter/", line 138, in load
return nlread(filename, object_id=object_id, read_state=False)[0]
File "./zipdir/NL/IO/", line 327, in nlread
NLIOError: The NetCDF file, '', cannot be read by the current version of ATK (ATK 13.8.1), since the file is generated by an incompatible (probably later) version (ATK 2014.3).

Thank you

Hi All,

From where I can find the list of all python script keywords used in VNL-ATK.

Thank you

I can't figure out why this is important? Though while plotting DOS with the help of 1D Projector i got following plot PFA. Maybe averaging along C axis is not required but, is it destroying the LDDOS plot in anyway?
Moreover i did't find this line
avg_z = ldos.axisProjection('average', 'c')
in either of my scripts.

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