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Messages - techenthusiast

Pages: [1]
Dear experts,
Good evening, How to shift the Ambipolar characteristics of a GAA CNFET for ID-VG[Towards Negative x-axis]?
U or V shape ID -VG characteristics

Even with gradual doping of P-I-N Formation, it's coming
Source: P-type (1E+19/Cubic cm)
Channel: Intrinsic
Drain: N-type (5E+18/Cubic cm)

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Kindly advise. Thank you.

Dear experts,
Good evening, How to shift the Ambipolar characteristics of a GAA CNFET for ID-VG[Towards Negative x-axis]?
U or V shape ID -VG characteristics

Even with gradual doping of P-I-N Formation, it's coming
Source: P-type (1E+19/Cubic cm)
Channel: Intrinsic
Drain: N-type (5E+18/Cubic cm)

Dear All,

Also,  As per NEGF Formation we can make only single channel CNT (10,0) using  "Device from bulk " . Is that possible to make multiple CNT Channel using the same formation with single Source or drain electrode & corresponding electrode extensions?  Thank You.

Dear All,

To ask :
Good morning. I have attached a structure file of Cylindrical GAA CNT FET OF 10nm Channel length. The observation is that it provides high SS, 216mV/Decade. This may be due to the Short-channel Effect. Kindly advise if there is any provision to optimize the device geometry for better performance regarding electrical parameters of an FET such as SS, and Ioff...

Thank You.

This is coming when - 1. I want to make a normal CNT Device from bulk (Especially for electrode expansion for example 4.56 Angstrom to 25 Angstrom)
2. I want to download the target molecule from Pubmed CID for the sensing application
3. I Want to delete something from the stash.

Thank You.

Scripts, Tutorials and Applications / How to resolve the issue?
« on: December 5, 2024, 07:02 »
Dear all,
Good morning,

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\QuantumATK\QuantumATK-V-2023.12\atkpython\Lib\site-packages\AddOns\DevicePackage\", line 105, in accept
    self._stash.addItem(item, set_active=True)
  File "zipdir\NL\GUI\Tools\Builder\Stash\", line 430, in addItem
  File "zipdir\NL\GUI\Tools\Builder\Stash\", line 238, in setActive
  File "zipdir\NL\GUI\Tools\Builder\Stash\", line 710, in saveItem
  File "zipdir\NL\GUI\Tools\Builder\Stash\", line 796, in deleteObject
  File "zipdir\NL\IO\", line 541, in nldelete
  File "zipdir\NL\IO\", line 299, in _delitem_
  File "h5py\_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "h5py\_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "build\atkpython\Lib\site-packages\h5py\hl\", line 357, in __getitem_
  File "h5py\_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "h5py\_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "h5py\h5o.pyx", line 190, in
KeyError: "Unable to open object (object '(8R,9' doesn't exist)"

Kindly advise. Thank You.

Also, Is there any technical scientific provision for molecular  adsorption effect mechanism(Maybe Vander Wal force between target molecules & the CNT based scattering region/Channel) ? for those channels(each).   Kindly Let me know,

Dear All,

Good morning, Just to ask : How to Make Multiple Channel(At least 2)  For a GAA  CNT FET Using Quantum Atk in NEGF formation?.  With Same chirality say (10,0).Thank You.
How to increase Source & drain Height with the same chirality of CNT ?

Thank you.

Also there is a small doubt: Sometimes its showing Job status as "finished" even ongoing execution for example ("Executing task - 7/20")  . Without throwing any error. Its similar to this?

Thank You for your prompt response. One small doubt is that -
In this example ( ) we can visualize the explanation for two sided [top, bottom] gate & dielectric

But the procedure for IV study for cylindrical wrap around gate is similar to this? or maybe different or maybe do-able with the same above tutorials


Kindly advise. Thank You very much once again.

Good afternoon,

Is there any limitation for number of  execution of Simulation? Some time its showing licensing error.
Thank You.

Good evening, Hope you are doing well. Just to ask :
How to give proper metallic contact to source & drain in quantum atk . It's showing "Spatial regions extending into the electrodes are ignored during the electrode calculation"
Just to ask
:how to avoid or solve  " spatial region extended into the centre region, not calculated during electrode calculation in quantum atk"

Thank you

How to put proper dielectric & metal exactly at the centre region of the device?

Kindly let me know. Thank you.

Extremely Sorry for misunderstanding.   Kindly advise how to characterize the attached  device ( Electrically) . Thank You.


Thank you for your prompt response. Will be highly obliged if you can share how to do that or else can be provided  the aforementioned hdf5 file for electrical Characteristics for the aforementioned device(.py file -attached). Thank you.

Good evening,
Hope this text finds you well.
This text is mainly to clarifying one doubt. Regarding one existed .py file( from software tutorial itself. Though, Opening at builder.

Is that possible to characterize the same device for the same ? 

Thank You.

Pages: [1]