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Topics - ianhill

Pages: [1]
Hello all,

I've been trying to run QuantumATK simulations on a remote SLURM machine, however the versions/implementations of 'mpiexec' and 'mpirun' on this cluster do not support the '-ppn' option. As a result I am unable to run any simulations on the remote machine as QuantumATK does not allow for manual tweaking of the submission script or disabling of this feature. I feel like I must be missing something obvious, but the online MPI documentation also doesn't mention a '-ppn' flag, is this from older versions of 'mpirun'?

My question is if there is any way I can circumvent or resolve this issue. It would be really helpful to utilize my remote machine for larger simulations, thanks in advance for anyone who has insight on this topic. The relevant error message is printed below, and I have the R-2020.09-SP1.f51397f65b build of QuantumATK.

Allocation (N):    -n 32 -ppn 32
MPI nodes (NCPU):  1
Cores (NCORES):    32
Threads per process: 1
Node list
Core list
SLURM: sbatch is running on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SLURM: executing partition is xxxxxxxxxx
SLURM: working directory is /scratch/ianhill/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx
SLURM: account name is xxxxxxxxxx
SLURM: job name is xxxxxxxxxxxx
SLURM: job identifier is xxxxxxxxxx
mpirun: Error: unknown option "-ppn"
Type 'mpirun --help' for usage.

Pages: [1]