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Topics - jlmwilliam

Pages: [1]
Dear Quantumwise staff

In recent research, it appears the zigzag graphene nanoribbon has a band gap.
How can I correctly reproduce the result?

I might ask a dumb question.
I was trying to use ATK DFT method to calculate the isolated hydrogen atom energy level.
But I just couldn't get it right. The calculated ground state energy level is always around -5.77eV using DFT method (-6.34eV for SK method).
I already knew that the Hydrogen atom energy level should have a ground state energy -13.6eV.
Where did I get it wrong?
(BTW, the Extend Huckel works pretty well, as I expect.)
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Molecule configuration
# -------------------------------------------------------------

# Define elements
elements = [Hydrogen]

# Define coordinates
cartesian_coordinates = [[ 0.,  0.,  0.]]*Angstrom

# Set up configuration
molecule_configuration = MoleculeConfiguration(

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculator
# -------------------------------------------------------------
calculator = LCAOCalculator()

nlsave('C:/ATK/ATKstudy/', molecule_configuration)

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Molecular energy spectrum
# -------------------------------------------------------------
molecular_energy_spectrum = MolecularEnergySpectrum(
    projection_list=ProjectionList(elements=[Hydrogen], angular_momenta=[0, 1, 2, 3])
nlsave('C:/ATK/ATKstudy/', molecular_energy_spectrum)

Got some problems of using different versions of ATK.
I use both desktop and server to do calculation.
The atk installed on my desktop is 12.8 and 13.8 and the atk on the server is 12.2,12.8 and 13.8.
Usually I use command "atkpython *** " to set up calculation on server.
However, the server will defaultly use 12.2 atkpython to calculate which causes some problem.

I used my desktop to calculate Dos and Transmission Spectra with atk 12.8.
Then I want to use the calculated .nc file to calculate the IV curve.
It seems atk 12.2 can not read the 12.8 nc file properly.
First error message:
I use command "atkpython **.py" to setup calculation, the server returns the error message
psTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in <module>
    device_configuration = nlread("/storage2/beta/users/lmj/ATK/",DeviceConfiguration)[0]
  File "./zipdir/NL/IO/", line 256, in nlread
NL.ComputerScienceUtilities.Exceptions.NLValueError: This version has no support for reading netcdf files from ATK 12.8.0

So I try the method to read and rewrite the nc file by atk 12.2
objects = nlread("")  
for x in objects: 
    nlsave("EH-DosTs(new).nc", x) 
It turns out the ATK 12.2 can't read the nc file created by 12.8
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    objects = nlread("")
  File "./zipdir/NL/IO/", line 256, in nlread
NL.ComputerScienceUtilities.Exceptions.NLValueError: This version has no support for reading netcdf files from ATK 12.8.0

So I use the 12.8 "atkpython" to execute the calculation by "/usr/local/QuantumWise/atk-12.8.2/atkpython/bin/atkpython **.py"
However, it still returns some problems after calculate for sometimes(error returns in about 0.5hr~1hr after calculation started)
/usr/local/QuantumWise/atk-12.8.2/atkpython/bin/atkpython: line 7: 73174 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) $EXEC_DIR/atkpython_exec $*
[1]    Exit 139     

How should I fix the problem?
If you need the future information, let me know.

Problem: VNL can not open transmission spectrum
Detail: The transmission spectrum is calculated on a server and then copied to the laptop to do analysis.
At first, the transmission spectrum can be opened. But problem occurs after some operation such as use transmission spectrum to generate the I/V.
After the operation, when click the Transmission Spectrum, an error dialog will pop out and referring:
"An error occurred
The following error was generated during execution of the program:
If the message is not clear or the error is caused by VNL itself, please report the issue to QuantumWise, and make sure to include the traceback (click "Show Details...") and the script.''
How do I fix this?
Let me know if you need any further information.
(PS: 1. The problem only occurs on the calculation results copied from server. No errors for the local calculated results.
       2. No issues in the calculation process.
       3. Both the calculations (server and desktop) use the same script to calculate transmission spectrum.)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\zipdir\NL\GUI\MainWindow\LabFloor\", line 201, in load
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\QuantumWise\atk-13.8.1\vnl\Lib\site-packages\AddOns\ATKNCImporter\", line 138, in load
    return nlread(filename, object_id=object_id, read_state=False)[0]
  File ".\zipdir\NL\IO\", line 358, in nlread
  File ".\zipdir\NL\ComputerScienceUtilities\", line 45, in __call__
  File ".\zipdir\NL\IO\", line 358, in <lambda>
  File ".\zipdir\NL\Analysis\", line 810, in nlreadTransmissionSpectrum
KeyError: 'energy_zero_parameter'

Pages: [1]