Thanks for reply!
There is some questions:
1.I tried the "nlinspect" method in your reply
The generated file is shown in Attachment 1. I cannot tell which object has the effective potential or current density at which voltage point. Is there any way to help me parse this data?
2.What does object_id mean?
When I unpack IVCharacteristics,I can see the "type" and "name" of the calculation result.
For example, if I want to read the Current density of Gate -1 Volt, Drain -0.05 Volt, I use the following command:
file_data = nlread("file.hdf5",CurrentDensity,object_id="Gate -1 Volt, Drain -0.05 Volt")[-1]
It will display "IndexError: list index out of range" as shown in Attachment 2
3.Is there no way to extract the effective potential and current density calculated using IVCharacteristics addAnalysis method?
The effective potential and current density I mentioned in this article are calculated using the IVCharacteristics addAnalysis method, as shown in the attached figure.
Thanks again for your reply!