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Messages - Petr Khomyakov

Pages: 1 ... 80 81 [82] 83 84 ... 86
You may find an example of how to calculate the thermal conductance in ATK at

Regarding the velocity autocorrelation function, have a look at the usage example in the reference manual,

General Questions and Answers / Re: Problem with DOS calculation
« on: November 3, 2016, 08:04 »
To figure out the actual error, you may compare your original espresso input files with the ones provided by Jess. I would guess that the problem might be explained by the following note

 "The DOS is written to the file identified by fildos. It is very important that it is named the same as outdir plus the .dos extension. Otherwise, VNL will not be able to properly identify the file as a QE DOS file."

that is given in the tutorial on "Silicon bandstructure and DOS using VNL and Quantum ESPRESSO", see

As Anders said, we need to see your python script and related nc-file to figure out where the problem comes from.

It is not about ATK. MBJ-MGGA is not designed to be used for self-consistent total energy calculations in any DFT code; you may see a note about it at You may still find some metagga-derived energy in ATK log file, but the question is whether this energy makes any real physical sense or relevance.

The MGGA-TB09LDA is a potential-only  functional, meaning that it is not designed to calculate the total energy and forces. It can be used to calculate the electronic structure for a given geometry of the system. The geometry can be first optimized with standard LDA or GGA functional by doing total energy calculations, and the MGGA functional can then be adopted to get a more accurate band structure of semiconductors, for example.

Density of states is used to analyze the electronic structure of materials and devices, e.g., see the following tutorial The projected local density of states allows one to analyze the electronic structure across the device, e.g., you can visualize band offset and band bending in heterostructures as well as  the mid-gap energy levels of defects if they exist in the device.

Regarding the first question, you may have a look at to see the difference between the ELF and electron density. You may also have more insight by reading the original work on ELF by A. D. Becke and K. E. Edgecombe, A. D.; Edgecombe, K. E. (1990). "A simple measure of electron localization in atomic and molecular systems". J. Chem. Phys. 92: 5397–5403.

Regarding the second question, I guess the answer depends on what you actually want to use these two different physical quantities for. For example, the electrostatic difference potential may give you a better insight on band bending in semiconductor heterostructures, whereas the electron difference density is more for visualizing interface dipoles in the same structures.  But both are related quantities indeed.

General Questions and Answers / Re: LDOS colormap plots
« on: October 20, 2016, 12:46 »
You may do it in ATK, using a standard analysis tool, Projected Local Density of States, see the corresponding section in the tutorial, which gives you an example of using PLDOS.

General Questions and Answers / Re: SnGe with mGGA
« on: October 20, 2016, 08:10 »
I did not do any SnGe alloy calculations, only bulk Ge calculation for testing MGGA.

General Questions and Answers / Re: SnGe with mGGA
« on: October 19, 2016, 00:19 »
To the best of my knowledge, experimental x-values reported for the indirect to direct band gap transition are quite scattered in the literature. So, I would not see 11% in the cited JAP paper as the reference number because the calculations are based on a highly empirical method with many parameters fitted to a particular experiment.

There is a comprehensive computational study of SnGe alloy given in Phys. Rev. B 89, 165201 (2014), where DFT-MGGA has been adopted. In the paper, one may find many computational details such as supercell size, k-point sampling and many other. Note that in the paper there exist references to recent experiments giving x for indirect to direct gap transition in the range of 0.06 < x < 0.08. 

In ATK, you can also use DFT-MGGA for SnGe. I would suggest doing geometry optimization with LDA and the band structure calculation with MGGA, using the OMX-HIGH basis set. Note that MGGA might need to be tuned by changing the c-parameter to have band energies of bulk Ge closer to experiment. For example, the self-consistent MGGA (without spin-orbit interaction included) gives the c-parameter of 1.10028 for bulk Ge (for LDA optimized lattice constant of 5.641 Angs), and E_gap=E_L=0.88 eV, E_G = 0.98 eV in consistency with the PRB results, 0.82 and 0.97 eV, respectively.

Changing c-parameter to 1.0 will give E_gap=E_L=0.66 eV, E_G = 0.76 eV, and E_X (at the X-valley minimum) = 0.88 eV in agreement with room temperature experimental values E_gap=E_L=0.66 eV, E_G = 0.80 eV, and E_X (at the X-valley minimum) = 0.85 eV.

I would use the same c-parameter (of bulk Ge) for all Sn concentrations in SnGe alloy.

General Questions and Answers / Re: Absorption Coeff.
« on: October 18, 2016, 14:12 »
One should adopt sufficient number of bands to accurately calculate the absorption coefficient.  The actual numbers depend on the considered system and required accuracy.   

Could you attach the python script related to this phonon calculation? Which 'reported result' do you refer to? Was this 'reported result' obtained with the same classical potential you have adopted in ATK Classical for carbon?

General Questions and Answers / Re: Absorption Coeff.
« on: October 18, 2016, 10:39 »
To account for two particle excitations in the optical spectrum, one should adopt a many-body approach that goes beyond the ground state density functional approach implemented in ATK.   

General Questions and Answers / Re: Optical band gap
« on: October 16, 2016, 12:55 »
For that, you have to calculate the band structure of your semiconductor, e.g., see the tutorial

Have a look at the tutorial,, where the geometry optimization for a device configuration is discussed.

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