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Messages - mlee

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In the current version of QuantumATK, only the DFTB and Hotbit parameter sets contain a repulsive pair potential term, and only these methods can be used for geometry optimizations.

Can you see QuantumATK documentation?
You can search some docs related to building 2D or graphene.
I hope you find proper documents.

Thanks for your report. It doesn't work correctly. I will report a bug to developer.

Boundary conditions for each facet can also be set in Poisson solver, see
Default is FFT for the bulk and FFT2D for the device.
You can setup the boundary condition in the Possion Solver.

Sorry to be inconvenient to link it incorrectly.
I will report it.
You can also access  QuantumATK documents in the
The tutorial of building the nanosheet with a hole is

If you prefer to use older version of move tool, upcoming release Q-2019.12 includes it as naming of "Advanced "in the move tool.

I would like to recommend the relaxation of the supercell after optimization of unitcell. It will be easier to converge the criteria. And it depends on  how accuracy you need.

Can you describe how to calculate the dipole from your script in detail? 

You need to change the boundary condition(Right electrode: DirichletBoundaryCondition) under an external electric field as mentioned in the reference paper, while as Neumann boundary condition without an electric field in the one probe device.
When I tested it using the default condition in P-2019.03 except boundary condition(Dirichlet) and voltage(Left=0, Right=1 V to mimic the reference), I can see the HartreeDifferencePotential biased by voltage. (See the attachment)

Are you sure to save the bandstructure? And didn't you see the bandstructure object  on the labfloor? if it is the same name with configuration(hdf5), it will add on the same file name with different object ID.  You can check your log file to be sure the completion of bandstructure calculation.

We don't support 2016.03 anymore. But usually it is located in the builder or viewer.
In the Graphics > Graphics Properties > Atoms, you may see Fuss factor as default is 1.10. Try to increase it.

You know how to build phosphorene nanoribbon with hydrogen passivated edge. But your problem seems to see the broken bond after optimization. If it is, can you increase the Fuzz factor in the Graphics properties in the builder?

General Questions and Answers / Re: Optimization structure
« on: September 25, 2019, 08:51 »
It will be included in the upcoming release 2019.12.

You can do it using the post process from the DOS analysis. After calculation of DOS analysis, you will get the DOS object in your labfloor. Open the DOS analyzer. When you select the structure where you want to see the local DOS using the mouse, it shows the local DOS with selected atom indices. It works in the bulk and slab.

QuantumATK can use slab model or surface green's function (one probe) to calculate the work function because work function will depend on the surface facet. If you have a reference paper of the bulk work function, let us know about it.  That would be great.

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