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Messages - mlee

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12
Unfortunately, I don't have an experience in the case of work function for bulk.

The work function is the energy required to remove an electron from the Fermi level of a cleaved crystal to the vacuum level. In section III of the reference paper (Phys. Rev. B 96, 195309), QuantumATK recommends to calculate the work function using the surface green's function or slab model.

Do you use Job manager? You can edit the number of processors or threads of your machine.

It seems related to the parallel process in your server. When I tested it in using the 2018.06-SP1 and P-2019.03 in my laptop using 1 cpu, it was successfully finished within 10 seconds. 

If you want to keep the space group during the optimization, you can constraint only for the Fix Space Group in the Optimize Geometry.

General Questions and Answers / Re: structure optimization
« on: April 3, 2019, 14:09 »
It seems not to work together. If you relax one of lattice vectors, it usually loses the space group.

Yes, it is possible. But you need to check the default condition between P-2019.03 and 2018 version. I would like to notice one if you run it using the newer version, you cannot open the hdf5 file in the older version.

Please see the linked tutorial which is shown using the electrostatic difference potential according to the different doping levels.

General Questions and Answers / Re: Legends @ Projected DOS
« on: November 2, 2018, 12:24 »
Did you try to use customize on the right hand side click of mouse?
There are some options for the figure.

I think you red the initial configuration.
If you want to analyze the optimized configuration, you need to read the optimized configuration from the calculated your nc file.
Can you change your configuration?
bulk_configuration = nlread('', object_id='gID001')[-1]

It depends on the ForceField parameters, system size, element types and your interesting topics and so on.
You can check your decorated carbon nanotube structure with ATK-ForceField.
If you need to make an equilibrium state in a range of constant temperatures, there are several methods of NVT and NPT.

General Questions and Answers / Re: InSe
« on: August 1, 2018, 14:10 »
I attached how to build it by me.
But it depends on the customized way and design.
I hope it is helpful to build your device using my way.

General Questions and Answers / Re: InSe
« on: July 31, 2018, 09:09 »
Do you want to build one layer device such an attachment?   

General Questions and Answers / Re: InSe
« on: July 30, 2018, 14:11 »
In order to build a device, you need a periodic structure in your bulk.
I repeated c=3 in the repeat of Bulk Tools in the Builder.(One periodic is for left electrode, another one is for central and other is for right electrode).
Then I did Device from Bulk in the Device Tools of Builder.
Please see the attachment.
I hope it is what you want.

Your script is the customized one and this error is from "name 'calculator_builder' is not defined".
Actually, I don't know the 'calculator_builder'.

Please see the manual to use the script.

You can also use the GUI (NanoLab) which is very easy to analyze the MullikenPopulation.
You just open the Scripter and add the Analysis from File(load your calculation) and MullikenPolulation.

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