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Messages - mlee

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General Questions and Answers / Re: zero point energy
« on: October 15, 2020, 11:28 »
You can distinguish the H2 and D2(see the H in the periodic table) when you build the molecules. You will need to perform the vibration modes of the atoms. You can add the VibrationalMode in the analysis.

See the device configuration.
Your attached configuration is not the 2-probe model.
You need left/right electrode and can induce the finite electric field in the left and right electrode.

Did you check the object in the hdf5 files on labfloor? You should see the ChemicalPotential object in the hdf5 and read the Text Representation in the plugins.

Electrode extension is fixed during the optimization in the central region.

If you need to modify one in the electrode extension, you should also repeat the electrode using the modified electrode extension. If you keep the original electrode, you need to modify one in central region not in the electrode extension.

In the current version, QuantumATK doesn't support the GPU processor.
It is under development.

Please see the relevant manual pages:
SCF iterations
Electron density

I am not sure what kind of potential you mean.
You can search your interesting part in the documentations.

General Questions and Answers / Re: building molecular devices
« on: September 25, 2020, 05:20 »
The linked tutorial guides how to build and analysis of TransmissionSpectrum.

General Questions and Answers / Re: Idle process
« on: September 23, 2020, 06:16 »
This is not error. This is warning because some processes are idle.

It will be helpful to parallelize the jobs.

Can you provide the input script? And which version did you use?

It is hard to see the threshold slope in these range of the graph. You may need boarder V_gs to see the threshold slope.

Have you used plot editor inside band structure analysis and seen the active color(yellow) in the modified part? Usually it works in plot editor of the band structure analysis.

You can build it using the molecular builder. Or you can add from file using the extension .cif format in the builder.

I think it includes a bug to convert device from bulk. Because it works surface from bulk without doping state.
However I found the solution to convert the device from your bulk model. Can you remove all doping and spatial region in the bulk? Then convert device from bulk. It will work. After that, split into the electrode and central region. In the central region, add the doping and spatial region. At last, convert device from bulk. If you have in trouble, let me know about it.

What is your 2D model? Is it bulk or slab or device? GUI  can be automatically shown based on your model.
You can see the default boundary condition for each type of model.

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