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Topics - Sabyasachi Sen

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General Questions and Answers / error in GUI
« on: May 31, 2014, 10:01 »

The GUI is suddenly stopped with following error

line 8: 25422 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) $EXEC_DIR/vnl_exec $*

Kindly help me.

When tried to attach a molecule (from builder section) to molecular junction part the gui shows following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./zipdir/NL/GUI/Core/", line 230, in run
  File "./zipdir/NL/GUI/Tools/CustomBuilder/Builders/", line 152, in configuration
IndexError: index out of bounds

Kindly help me sorting out this issue.

Sabyasachi Sen

Kindly suggest me, how electron transfer rate from a specific electrode to the molecule (usually denoted as gamma) is obtained using ATK?

During transport calculation through a two-probe system, such as, Au(111)-molecule-Au(111); number of Au atomic layer is three in the central region. Is it possible to increase the number of layers in electrode part of the central region. If possible, kindly intimate me the related keyword/script to be use.

Dear ATK Forum

I attach herewith an input file where iteartion control parametrs have been included. The output is too large to be attached.

Sabyasachi Sen

Dear ATK Forum

In a spin-polarized transport calculations involving magnetic electrode (e.g Nickel electrode) and a non-magnetic molecule placed between the two electrodes how can I assign the spin-polarization of the electrode keeping one of the electrode in spin-up state and the other one in spin-down state.

Sabyasachi Sen

Dear ATK Forum

In a calculation with

Warning: The calculation did not converge to the requested tolerance

I have tried to use Iteration Control Settings as mentioned below but the same is not affecting the output.
Number of iterations has been increased to 200 but still the scf stops after the 100th cycle. Tolerance value has been lowered to 0.001 but the same is not affecting the run it is showing similar warning message. 
Kindly help me in sorting out this issue.

Sabysachi Sen

General Questions and Answers / the script is not working
« on: December 22, 2012, 08:56 »
if I write a script with following lines for getting spin polarized current for a series of bias(using single .nc file,

t_list = nlread('', TransmissionSpectrum)
for t in t_list:
     print t.bias(), t.current(Spin.Up), t.current(Spin.Down)

then we are getting the following errors.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/", line 5, in <module>
    print t.bias(),t.current(Spin.Up),t.current(Spin.Down)
  File "./zipdir/NL/Analysis/", line 368, in current
  File "./zipdir/NL/Analysis/", line 816, in checkElectrodeVoltages
NL.ComputerScienceUtilities.Exceptions.NLValueError: The electrode voltages must be given as two physical quantities with the unit Volt.

Please help us resolve the issue.

General Questions and Answers / current calculation in a loop
« on: December 1, 2012, 20:13 »
I am facing problems in estimating iv curve for certain values of applied by ruining the calculation over a loop. In the script I added following lines at the end of zero bias calculation but the program does not run at a loop.

The program does not run at all kindly hep me in sorting out this problem.

The script is
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Transmission spectrum
# -------------------------------------------------------------
def transmission(configuration):
    # Calculate the transmission spectrum and save it in a file
    transmission_spectrum = TransmissionSpectrum(
    nlsave('/home/swapanchem/Desktop/lih2-loop/', transmission_spectrum)

# Read in the converged zero-bias calculation
device_configuration = nlread('/home/swapanchem/Desktop/lih2-loop/', device_configuration)[0]
calculator = device_configuration.calculator()
# Calculate and save the transmission spectrum for zero bias

# Define the bias voltages for the I-V curve

# Loop over the bias voltages
for voltage in voltage_list:
    # Set electrode voltages and use the self-consistent state
    # of the previous calculation as starting guess
          calculator(electrode_voltages=(voltage, 0.0)),

    # Calculate and save the transmission spectrum for each bias


When the analyzer window of vnl is used to estimate the current (I-V) of a spin polarized calculation we are getting only one value of current. Kindly highlight me how could I get the numeric value of spin polarized current of both spin channels in a spin polarized twoprobe run.

Sabyasachi Sen

i) In electrostatic difference potential plot colored contour plot does not produce exact numeric value on a specific atom. Can you suggest any modification in python script which will give us the numeric value of the electrostatic potential difference between any two atom of choice.

ii) In a calculation with Au electrode-Central region-Au electrode run I noticed that Fermi energy of Au electrodes (both left and right) with LSDA functional and SZ basis is -0.74 eV while the same for the central region considering equivalent bulk as -4.0 eV. However, in transmission run Femi energy is shifted to zero as per the energy of the electrodes. Since, there is a huge difference in Fermi energy between the central region and the electrodes. Could you please clarify what is the importance of the Fermi energy of central region? or How does it influences the transport run.


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