QuantumATK W-2024.09-SP1 version released in Dec, 2024
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You can read more about it here: https://docs.quantumatk.com/tutorials/dft_half_pps/dft_half_pps.html. In short, it's an attempt to bring some aspect of empirical pseudopotentials into DFT, but instead of a scissor operator acting on the final band structure (which wouldn't work in Ge for instance) there are shifts being applied within the self-consistent cycle. It does require empirical tuning, i.e. you should know the band gap from experiments to tune the parameters.We implemented this method quite a long time ago, and honestly have not found much use for it. Since then, we have added DFT+1/2 which seems to be a more robust and general scheme, where the same parameters seem to work for many different systems, although you can fine tune them if you do know the band gap. And of course HSE06 and other hybrid functionals which perform really well in LCAO, and which can be truly predictive of the band gaps of unknown materials.