Yes. 11.8.b1 expired on first of November.
There is two ways to use mGGA. The TB09LDA exhcange correlation potential depends on a parameter C. This parameter can either be determined automatically
or it can be set to a fixed value like
xc = MGGA.TB09LDA(c=1.23)
Using the automatic method is well-suited for simple bulk systems, but for more advanced systems it is best to determine this C using a simple precalculation.
So what I would do, is to setup a fast calculation of Si(bulk) and do a calculation of the band gap, and then tune C until it gives me the correct band gap.
Lucky for you, I have much interest in Silicon myself, and I have found that, that C=1.035 using DZP basis set gives a band gap of 1.1147, and that is good enough for me.