The concept of "bond strength" in ambiguous. See As you can see, indeed the Mulliken overlap population is one type of measure of the bond strength, but there are others, and each one is computed in a different way. As the Wikipedia page says, to calculate the bond energy "requires lengthy calculations, even for the simplest bonds", and similar is true for bond-dissociation energy. Plus, it's mostly a concept used for molecules where the system makes sense if you break a single bond.
So, for a complex system, probably the overlap population is as good as you can get it. As with most things - the important thing is to define and motivate why you quote and use a particular number in a publication, and not just rely on any standard definition of ambiguous concepts. So, don't call it "Bond Strength", just call it Mulliken overlap population, and say that you use this as a measure of the bond strength.