Author Topic: Grid like metal structure  (Read 3246 times)

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Offline Dipankar Saha

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Grid like metal structure
« on: February 22, 2014, 11:46 »
A. Blom,

Sir, I would like to ask you....

1) Can we make Ag/or, Au grid like structure in ATK??
2)How can I ensure the interfacing between the two dielectric materials...when they are stacked one upon another... ??

Offline Umberto Martinez

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Re: Grid like metal structure
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2014, 09:14 »
1- yes, you can easily build a Ag/Au multilayer structure with the interface plugin, for example, with Ag or Au electrodes. (if this is what you mean with grid like structure)
2- when you build the structure you can define the interface distance. Select a good starting value, you can also check in the literature about that.
Check also the best match in terms of relative position along the xy- plane.
Finally, in a DeviceConfiguration geometry optimization uncheck the constrain cell along z to optimize the C vector and hence the interface distance.

Offline Dipankar Saha

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Re: Grid like metal structure
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 08:22 »
Umberto Martinez,

Thank you.... :) / But, I was not looking for electrodes actually.... Instead a mesh kind of struct. (as shown in the attachment), is what I was trying to mean..../ Again, as this struct. has to sit on top of any oxide, I have to look for the interfacing between the metal and oxide as well...

Thanks & Regards__
Dipankar Saha

Offline Umberto Martinez

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Re: Grid like metal structure
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2014, 09:36 »
I see. I definitely did not get your question :)

- you can import the conventional bulk structure (cubic) and repeat the structure nxnxn times.
Just enough to form a single repetition unit of your grid, not the whole structure.

- Select the atoms to delete by using the Select>By Expression tool and write something like  "z>5 and z<15 and y>5 and y<15" to have channels perpendicular to the yz plane for example.
Also selecting the atoms with the mouse works well.

- delete those atoms.

- repeat the structure to form your grid.

about the interfacing, you should create an oxide slab with similar dimensions of your metal grid in the xy plane and then you can use the interface plugin.
if you do not need to adapt the two cells but only "deposit" the grid on an oxide layer then you can create an oxide layer which is bigger (in the xy plane) then the metal grid and simply drag and drop the metal grid from the Stash to the oxide layer configuration. Then translate it wherever you wish.

Offline Dipankar Saha

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Re: Grid like metal structure
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2014, 11:11 »
Umberto Martinez,

Thank you very much.... / Yes this is the solution that I was exactly looking for, and now I'm able to create the structure as well as do the necessary interfacing..... :)

Now, If I consider a thicker oxide layer (i.e., y-z dimensions same...x is much larger) through the "spatial region" inclusion...then will I be able to see the effect of the variation of oxide materials, say on transport??  Or, should I go for the Interfacing.... between the metal and oxide... to get a better impact of the change of oxide material??
