If you are talking about an interface system that looks like copper-substrate / graphene layer / copper substrate (i.e. something like in
https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.88.045444) or copper substrate / bulk-like graphene layers then yes we can simulate it.
Just one copper substrate and a single layer of graphene on top, bounded by vacuum, would probably be difficult, it depends how one would define thermal conductance in a meaningful way for that case.
To calculate the intrefacial thermal conductance via MD (as in the tutorial) one would probably have to use a classical potential (e.g. EAM for copper and Tersoff for graphene) and couple the interactions between copper and graphene via Lennard Jones-potentials (as in the paper mentioned above).
Phonon transmission via NEMD would also be possible, here one could even try using DFT.
We don't have a tutorial on that particular case interface but the main challenge here is primarily setting up the classical potentials, the rest should be more or less analogue to the tutorial and the paper mentioned above.