I have a question. Now I want to get the degeneracy of a molecule. Using CH4 as an example (ATK 2017 version), I calculated its molecular energy spectrum. The input py file is in the attachment. But after calculation in the log file there exits a mistake, i.e., ' 'float' object has no attribute '__getitem__'.
According to the manual, the return type of degeneracy() in keyword MolecularEnergySpectrum is list of float. Whether the notation degen[0]【i】 that I used in the script is wrong? If so, however, I found the notation of 'occupation()' (the return type of which is also list of float) can give correct results in the log file. In addition, if I change the notation degen[0]【i】 to degen, the result is also correct.
Thank you for your reply.