I have a question about the unit of transmission in the example below.
https://docs.quantumwise.com/tutorials/transmission_gr_mos2/transmission_gr_mos2.htmlIn this example, we calculate transmission of rectangular unit cell of graphene and MoS2.
In the graphene example, it shows how transmission spectrum changes with the number of k-points in the transverse modes.
And my question is what is the unit of Transmission.
Since it is a periodic structure in the transverse direction, transmission unit should be #/m or #/um, but the picture showing transmission it is not clear.
Is the default unit in the transmission spectrum just # or #/m?
If it is just #, then I guess we need to divide it with the length of rectangular unit cell in the transverse direction (y-direction).
I also have similar question for DOS calculation.
If I calculate DOS for 2-D material, then the unit for the calculated DOS in ATK is just #/eV or is it normalized with area?