for the attach files:
"mod" is the image of the calculation two-probes system
"ini.config Vs opt.config " is xyz.file of some elements in the two-probes system
"" is exe file we made, and you can find the ini.configuration in this file.
"opt_process.txt" is got by "# atk > opt_process.txt "
Dear Sir,
I made a two-probes system as the tutorial said, then I made the "" to optimize this system, success, and got the "opt_process.txt ". In this process, I have two questions:
1, I find two atoms [1.( xyz +0.00000 +0.00000 +4.07800),2.(+1.44179 +7.20895 +29.89500) ]
are constraint in the "opt-process.txt" , though I set no atoms constraint in "". why?
2, Question about the optimize result. Compare the atoms xyz.file in the before and after optimization, like the attach " ini.config Vs opt.config ", we find that the scattering region shrink to the center, which means the left surface atoms move to the right, and the right surface atoms move to the left. We tried the different bond distance in the single-atom line, and constraint some surface atoms, but this phenomenon is still happened.
Could you give me some advices on how to deal with these two questions? Thank you so much.
FangYong 5.10.2010