Author Topic: Webinar: QuantumATK U-2022.12 Release: Highlights of New and Enhanced Features  (Read 4377 times)

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Synopsys Webinar: QuantumATK U-2022.12 Release: Highlights of New and Enhanced Features

Join our FREE online event to learn about the latest features and performance enhancements in the QuantumATK U-2022.12 product release. See how QuantumATK can provide impactful ROI on :
•             Quality of Results: Combination of PAW + LCAO where the highest DFT precision is required
•             Turnaround Time: Using machine-learning, HKMG and MTJ structures can now be generated in hours instead months
•             Ease of Use: New and easy way to build complex workflows directly in NanoLab

The QuantumATK U-2022.12 version was released on Dec 6, 2022. 

Date: 11th of January, 2022
Time 1: 9 a.m. CEST (Europe) / 1.30 p.m. IST (India) / 4 p.m. CST (China) / 5 p.m. KST (South Korea) / 5 p.m. JST (Japan)
Time 2: 12 p.m. EDT (US East Coast) / 9 a.m. PDT (US West Coast)/ 6 p.m. CEST (Europe)
Duration: 1 hour (including Q&A session)

Register for the webcast here.

Discover these features with highlights below:
•             Machine-Learned (ML) Force Fields
•             R2SCAN Exchange-Correlation Functional
•             Updates Related to Molecular Dynamics and Force Fields
•             Defect-Assisted Recombination from DFT Calculations
•             PAW  (Projector Augmented Wave) method for LCAO
•             New Workflow Builder
•             Atomistic Spin Dynamics - Integration with Vampire
•             Modelling of Homogeneous Electric Fields in DFT
•             COSMO and COSMO-RS
Extended Q&A session with interactive live-demo.

You are welcome to ask questions throughout the webinar or at the end during the Q&A session.
Contact us for more information at

Register for the webcast here.
« Last Edit: April 4, 2023, 12:32 by anarita »