I am have some problem on opening quantumatk.
My linux version is Centos8 and the python version is 3.6.8
I get atk file from TSRI website
I can source the file which is /usr/cad/synopsys/CIC/qatk.cshrc
But open quantumatk , it have some error, it is like:
[root@512 synopsys]# quantumatk
/usr/cad/synopsys/qatk/cur/bin/quantumatk: /cad/synopsys/qatk/2023.12/atkpython/ bin/quantumatk: /user/cad/synopsys/qatk/2023.12/quantumatk/V-2023.12/atkpython/bin/python3.11 :bad interpreter: no such file or directory
/usr/cad/synopsys/qatk/cur/bin/quantumatk:line 66: /cad/synopsys/qatk/2023.12/atk python/bin/quantumatk:success
So,Need I upgrade the python version? , or need I delete all the atk file and install atk again?