Author Topic: the difference between graphene junction and nanoribbon with two electrodes  (Read 6842 times)

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Offline camelluxin

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The tutorial of graphene device uses a graphene junction(z-a-z) and extended huckel to analyze the electric characteristics.  Is there any difference between nanoribbon (from custom) with electrodes and the graphene junction(from custom)?
And the best method to study graphene bandstructure is extended huckel 
How about electric characteristics?
If huckel is best, why do most papers I read use ATK-DFT?
Thank you :D

Offline Anders Blom

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Thanks for your questions.

The first one I don't quite understand... A ribbon is straight, the graphene junction is z-shaped. But the junction is of course built from pieces of ribbons.

There are two primary ingredients in a transport calculation, which you must compute accurately to get good results:
  • the electronic structure
  • the response of the system to the electrostatic environment

For graphene, the Huckel method provides an excellent electronic structure of graphene, as long as you use the Cerda basis set, and don't strain or abuse the structure too much. Hence for the first point, Huckel is fine, and the results agree very well with DFT.

The second point is implemented in more or less the same way in DFT and Huckel in ATK, so there the choice of method is not so important.

For other systems, perhaps with strong polarizations induced by the field, and where the Huckel parameters are not capable of describing the complex chemistry, the Huckel method might not give as good results.

I think the primary reasons why there are still relatively few publications with Huckel in ATK is simply that the method has only been properly available for little over 2 years (ATK-DFT goes back 6-7 years), and it takes time for people to first of all switch to the new version of ATK, and then of course produce the results and publish the articles. I hope in the future, more and more people will discover how well the Huckel method performs, both in terms of calculation speed and quality of the results :)

Note that in ATK 11.8 you can now also do spin-polarized calculations with Huckel, and also use even simpler methods like nearest-neighbor tight-binding, which also can give quite excellent results for "simple" graphene systems, which don't involve any other atoms than carbon (i.e. if you are just playing with the shape of the graphene). In this case you can run very many atoms, for sure over 10,000, quite easily.

Offline camelluxin

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Thank you for your quick and detailed reply.
So you mean graphene junction and nanoribbon with two electrodes are totally different structures.
About Huckel, can it handle doping or defects? And it seems that the mesh cut-off and K-points of Huckel are much smaller than that of DFT. Dose it mean by Huckel we can get an accurate result with fewer K-points?

Offline Anders Blom

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I think it's rather obvious they are different by just looking at them ;)

See, with doping is where you can start being a little bit less certain the Huckel model works 100% well, but since the Huckel method has more "chemistry awareness" than just simple tight-binding, things are probably at least qualitatively ok. But it needs to be checked! Defects in terms of vacancies should be ok.

K-points are not smaller for Huckel, you should use the same as for DFT.

Mesh cut-off, yes, it's lower for Huckel which is part of the reason it's faster than DFT.

Offline camelluxin

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Thanks again

Offline camelluxin

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Dear Anders Blom

I use extended Huckel to analyze the relationship of conductance and gate voltage.
I set the k-points in the C direction is 300, the rest parameters are the same as the Graphene Device tutorial. But it turns out the conductance does change at all.

So which result is correct, mine or the tutorial?
More k points leads to better accuracy, right?

Offline Anders Blom

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You mean, the conductance doesn't change as you increase the k-points? The tutorial uses 100, which is most likely already plenty enough, so 300 and 100 will not show any difference - as you perhaps have proven, then. If you reduce the number to 20 or 10, then you should see a difference I guess, but also you may encounter convergence problems. So in conclusion you have shown that 100 kC points is good enough for this system.

Offline camelluxin

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I mean the conductance does not change with the gate voltage.
The gate volttage ranges from -10V to 10 V, but the conductance is the same.

Offline Anders Blom

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Are you 100% sure everything else is 100% the same? :)
Changing ONLY the kC-points should not affect the results compared to the tutorial.

Offline camelluxin

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And the electrode temperature is 5 K. But I think it does not matter.

Offline Anders Blom

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This system is quite sensitive to temperature! Esp. for a long junction, the transport mechanism is thermionic emission, but if you restrict the active thermal range by lowering the temperature, very few electrons will be able to tunnel across.

See Phys. Rev. B 82, 075420 (2010) for a discussion about this.

Offline camelluxin

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Thanks Anders.
problem solved.
But it has nothing to do with temperature.