As Serhan says, it is perfectly sufficient to use 1x1xN k-points (there is no dispersion in X and Y, so adding k-points there will just make the calculation run slower, nothing else). Same thing goes for the transmission spectrum, you only need 1x1 point. This will save you a lot of time
1000 K might be a nice idea to get it to converge, you can then try to initialize the calculation from the converged result, using a lower temperature to "anneal" the results.
Geometry looks ok at first glance (in VNL!). It's a triangular wire.
The transmission spectrum is very feature-rich, I would have expected a bit smoother curve at least around the Fermi level.
However, the main problem most likely lies in the choice of contour integration parameters. The integral lower bound, 200 Ry, is way, way, way too large. It will not give accurate results. 1000 points on the contour will, well, be slooooooooooooooooow (although you probably need it for 200 Ry lower bound!).
If 5-7 Ry and 50-70 points are not sufficient to reach convergence, look into other techniques for improving the convergence (we'll help you!).
With all the changes above, your script should run 10-100 times faster!
Also see the new gold nanowire tutorial at!