For a perfect periodic system, the MPSH is meaningless. For the concept to make any sense there has to be a clearly defined "molecular" part to "project" on.
However, as soon as you introduce a defect or e.g. add an atom/molecule to the outside of a nanotube, etc, then you have precisely such a part, and also your projection atoms are quite obvious. In case of a single added atom, you may want to include the neighboring atoms too to account for the modified bonding between these.
It is also relevant to compare not just the transmission but also the surface density of states to the MPSH spectrum. If there at some energy is an MPSH level but no peak in the DOS, then the level is anyway not actively participating in the transmission (a peak in the DOS corresponds to some kind of localized level, which typically deteriorates the transmission), since it is not coupled to the leads.
What is the system corresponding to the results you posted? There seems to be a corresponding peak at -0.25 in both, but not at +0.25 eV, but that could just mean that the first peak is related to some localized molecular level and the other is due to some feature in the band structure.
If you have a single vacancy, I would select the atoms that previously used to be bound to that atom as the part to project on.