Hi, I am confusing about the work flow of restoreSelfConsistentCalculation() and scf recently ,and I search the all the Forum and see the relevant topic, but found nothing, could some one tell me the correct idea about that?
This is the scriptof lih2li :
from ATK.TwoProbe import *
import numpy
import ATK
# Restore two-probe geometry
vnlfile = VNLFile('lih2li.vnl')
lih2li = vnlfile.readAtomicConfigurations()['lih2li']
# Use the same parameters for final bias as for zero bias
bz_int_param = brillouinZoneIntegrationParameters(
electrode_params = ElectrodeParameters(
brillouin_zone_integration_parameters = bz_int_param
basis_set_params = basisSetParameters(
type = SingleZeta,
element = Lithium
iteration_control_params = iterationControlParameters(
tolerance = 1e-5
# Restore initial density from old calculation
scf = restoreSelfConsistentCalculation("lih2li-scf.nc")#.............................A
print '# Bias (Volt)\tCurrent (Ampere)'
# Run bias from 0.0 and 1.0 in steps of 0.1
for voltage in numpy.arange(0.0, 1.01, 0.1):
dft_method = TwoProbeMethod(
basis_set_parameters = basis_set_params,
iteration_control_parameters = iteration_control_params,
electrode_voltages = (voltage/2.0, -voltage/2.0)*Volt
# Store each calculation in a separate NetCDF file
ATK.setCheckpointFilename ('lih2li-bias-%.1f.nc' % voltage)#........................B
scf = executeSelfConsistentCalculation(
method = dft_method,
initial_calculation = scf #...........................C
current = calculateCurrent(scf)
print "%.1f\t\t%.2e" %(voltage, current.inUnitsOf(Ampere))
my confuse is:
In the fist loop, at A line the .nc file is
lih2li-scf.nc ,at B line we defined the .nc file as
lih2li-bias-%.1f.nc ,then my question is that the .nc file I think is
lih2li-bias-%.1f.nc ,is right ? and the
lih2li-bias-%.1f.nc cover the
lih2li-scf.nc or not? and at c line which .nc file pass to scf ?
From A to B to C ,how the change of the .nc file ?and they how to work and pass ?
Thanks a lot