Thank you
I calculated but the results are like this
1.Charge transfer value for spin polarised zgnr system= -0.032 e
2.Charge transfer value for molecule adsorbed on spin polarised zgnr
a. Molecule charge = 0.803 e
b. zgnr charge = -0.604 e
My question is the molecule and zgnr charges seem to be partial charges with charge transfer taking place from molecule to zgnr. But the partial charges are not equal. where does the remnant charge of about -0.2 e gone??? I did this analysis with Mulliken Population.
For spin unpolarized calculation I got equal and opposite partial charges but why this discrepancy comes in spin unpolarized system
the extra charge of -0.2 e has been utilized in the magnetic moment??? even then the total magnetic moment of the system is comming out to be -0.963(mu B)

Your assistance is appreciable