If you look in a bit broader interval, you will find
534 -4.718 2
535 -4.589 2
536 -4.588 2
537 -4.419 1.994
538 -4.412 1.991
539 -4.403 1.988
540 -4.396 1.984
541 -4.34 1.873
542 -4.34 1.87
543 -4.303 1.555
544 -4.299 1.493
545 -4.27 0.9783
546 -4.269 0.9705
547 -4.239 0.4515
548 -4.238 0.4459
549 -4.215 0.2082
550 -4.214 0.1975
551 -3.724 1.31e-009
552 -3.707 6.718e-010
553 -3.705 6.301e-010
554 -3.702 5.599e-010
555 -3.628 3.138e-011
556 -3.621 2.392e-011
While the population on 551 is not zero numerically (the Fermi function never goes to identically zero until infinity), it is for all practical purposes zero. Thus your HOMO is 550, but note that there are two almost degenerate levels at the same energy (549 and 550)!