Dear all,
It seems that there is no one to one correspondence between SW parametrization in ATK and in Lammps. The number of cutoff distances in 3-body interaction terms of ATK is more than that of Lammps. The same thing is true for gammas.
This the list of parameters in Lammps:
Epsilon Sigma a lambda gamma costheta0 A B p q tol
which is less than this list as an example:
potential = Stiwe3Potential(particleType1 = 'Se', particleType2 = 'Mo', particleType3 = 'Se', gamma0 = 0.425*Angstrom, gamma1 = 0.425*Angstrom, l = 8*eV, cosTheta0 = 0.2, type = 1, r_0 = 3.25*Angstrom, r_1 = 3.25*Angstrom, r_13 = 3.85*Angstrom)
Any clarification would be appreciated.
Best regards,