Author Topic: Optical Spectrum, Oscillator strength and Transition states.  (Read 2806 times)

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Offline Sukhbir

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Can anyone explain me
1. How to find oscillator strength from calculated optical spectrum ?
2. How to find transition states of graphene corresponding to each oscillating strength?
3. How HOMO-LUMO states are involved for each oscillator strength ?   

Offline Petr Khomyakov

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Re: Optical Spectrum, Oscillator strength and Transition states.
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2016, 13:40 »
Regarding #1, the oscillator strength is defined for an optical transition between two particular electronic states, see The standard ATK output for the Optical Spectrum is the susceptibilty and dielectric tensor, given by the Kubo-Greenwood formula, see Notes in the reference manual The oscillator strength between state n and m is essentially given by the dipole matrix elements (pi_nm) in the Kubo-Greenwood formula.
Regarding #2, I would say it usually works other way. One first defines the transition of interest, i.e., state n and m, and then calculate the corresponding oscillator strength for that transition between these states. If the oscillator strength is zero, the optical transition is forbidden.  If you have a full dipole matrix, you may then identify those transitions (states) that are optically active, i.e., have non-zero oscillator strength. 
Regarding #3, HOMO and LUMO are just two states, and one may calculate the oscillator strength between HOMO and LUMO states, i.e., n=LUMO and m=HOMO.
The dipole matrix elements (oscillator strength) are not a part of basic output for Optical Spectrum analysis.