thanks for Nordland's reply,
I know what is wrong with my question,
but first, as for Nordland said, the script I posted is cu-line, when you test different element, you should chang the script a little. For Au lattice constant 2.59A, it's no problem, because I use Au-line, when I doing this. As for KPoint, 3 3 100 is ok, just take a little more time, and the mesh cutoff 150Ry and 100Ry, a little differences for the result.
Au, 2.886A is the nearst-neighbor atom distance in the the [110] direction of bulk Gold and it appears in some papers, as for PRB 69,125409(2004), PRB 67,193104 (2003) did. The authors choose 2.886 as the distance of the Au atom line in TwoProbe configuration. Au, 2.589, as you get by the script, it seems like that people don't like to use optmized bond length of Au atom line to build structure.
Question is which one I should take, 2.88 or 2.59 ?
Looking forward to your reply.