QuantumATK > Installation and License Questions
Error in open quantumatk
I am have some problem on opening quantumatk.
My linux version is Centos8 and the python version is 3.6.8
I get atk file from TSRI website
I can source the file which is /usr/cad/synopsys/CIC/qatk.cshrc
But open quantumatk , it have some error, it is like:
[root@512 synopsys]# quantumatk
/usr/cad/synopsys/qatk/cur/bin/quantumatk: /cad/synopsys/qatk/2023.12/atkpython/ bin/quantumatk: /user/cad/synopsys/qatk/2023.12/quantumatk/V-2023.12/atkpython/bin/python3.11 :bad interpreter: no such file or directory
/usr/cad/synopsys/qatk/cur/bin/quantumatk:line 66: /cad/synopsys/qatk/2023.12/atk python/bin/quantumatk:success
So,Need I upgrade the python version? , or need I delete all the atk file and install atk again?
Does the executable file /user/cad/synopsys/qatk/2023.12/quantumatk/V-2023.12/atkpython/bin/python3.11 exist? Probably not - most likely you moved the installation of QuantumATK to a different folder: you are trying to run it from the directory /usr/cad/synopsys/qatk/cur (notice even how it's /usr/.. and not /user/...).
You can't move a QuantumATK installation as the launcher scripts (quantumatk and atkpython) hardcode the path to the shipped python executable. So if you moved the QuantumATK installation, either move it back, or delete it and reinstall.
--- Quote ---So,Need I upgrade the python version?
--- End quote ---
No, QuantumATK is self-contained: it doesn't require any (much) installed software and certainly doesn't depend on other Python installations on the system. It ships its own custom Python interpreter and you can use both side by side without problems (as long as you are careful). For more info see: https://docs.quantumatk.com/manual/Python.html#command-line-usage-with-qatk-shell-environments
TSRI give me wrong file .
After I try symbolic link /uesr and /usr , I can open quantumatk!
Thanks again!
Hi, TSRI also give me the wrong file, could you please teach me how to solve this?
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