Hi filipr,
Thank you for your response.
We are installing almost all desktop packages with singularity definition file like below:
dnf -y install libXft libXft-devel libXScrnSaver && \
dnf -y install
https://repos.openhpc.community/OpenHPC/2/CentOS_8/x86_64/ohpc-release-2-1.el8.x86_64.rpm && \
dnf -y --enablerepo=powertools install lua-filesystem lua-posix && \
dnf -y install ohpc-filesystem cairo libXext pixman lmod-ohpc && \
dnf -y install mesa-libGL mesa-dri-drivers libglvnd libfabric && \
dnf -y install qt5-qtbase.x86_64 python3-qt5.x86_64 python3-qt5-base.x86_64 lm_sensors-libs && \
When we run ld debug and qt debug command on page that you mention, we get these errors:
[root@celestia singularity]# singularity shell --cleanenv --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --env XDG_SESSION_ID=$XDG_SESSION_ID --network bridge --bind /run/munge:/run/munge --bind /opt/ohpc/pub:/opt/ohpc/pub qatk-2024.09-test.sif
Singularity> LD_DEBUG=files /opt/ohpc/pub/apps/qatk/2024.09/bin/quantumatk > ld_debug.out 2>&1
Singularity> grep -i error ld_debug.out
raise QtBindingsNotFoundError from None
qtpy.QtBindingsNotFoundError: No Qt bindings could be found
Singularity> QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=3 /opt/ohpc/pub/apps/qatk/2024.09/bin/quantumatk
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ohpc/pub/apps/qatk/2024.09/bin/../atkpython/bin/quantumatk", line 8, in <module>
File "zipdir/ATKExecutables/atkwrappers/__init__.py", line 811, in start_quantumatk
File "zipdir/NL/__init__.py", line 9, in <module>
File "zipdir/NL/GUI/Main/Main.py", line 1, in <module>
File "/opt/ohpc/pub/apps/qatk/2024.09/atkpython/lib/python3.11/site-packages/qtpy/__init__.py", line 259, in <module>
raise QtBindingsNotFoundError from None
qtpy.QtBindingsNotFoundError: No Qt bindings could be found
We want to update our systems OS to Rocky Linux 8, it is training for us to run QuantumATK 2024.09 on singularity.