Author Topic: Assistance Required: Adding a New Potential and Moment Tensor Potential  (Read 6578 times)

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Offline Priyadarshini

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Hello everyone,  I would like to know the detailed process for the following:

Adding New Potential from the Literature:
I have come across Vashishta potential in a publication (Ref: P. Vashishta, R.K. Kalia, J.P. Rino, and I. Ebbsjö (1990), "Interaction potential for SiO2: A molecular-dynamics study of structural correlations," Physical Review B, 41(17), 12197-12209. DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.41.12197), which is not a predefined potential set in quantumATK, that aligns well with my system's requirements. However, I am unsure of the exact steps needed to integrate it into QuantumATK even after referring this documentation.
Could anyone please provide a detailed guide on the following aspects?

The required format or file type for custom potentials (e.g., parameter files or scripts).
The directory structure and location where such potentials should be placed.
Instructions for ensuring compatibility with the existing workflows, including any scripts or modules that need to be edited.
Any examples or templates that can serve as a reference for adding potentials from external sources.

Offline Anders Blom

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I couldn't find a matching potential type in our list, so probably it is not easy at all. There are many other SiO2 potentials to choose from, but this functional form is not supported as far as I can tell (the problem is the third term in the two-body potential, we can cover all the other ones).

Offline Priyadarshini

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"Thanks for checking. If this functional form isn't directly supported, we might need to explore alternative SiO₂ potentials that QuantumATK can handle. Do you think we could approximate the third term using an existing potential or a combination of supported terms? Otherwise, we might need to consider a custom implementation or another workaround. Let me know your thoughts!"

Offline Anders Blom

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That's what I was checking, it's often the case that the whole potential doesn't exist under a dedicated name, but each term exists already. But I could not find anything resembling the last term. There are Coulomb terms that are proportional to ZiZj and Lennard-Jones terms which can do 1/r^n, but not the combination. You can still create a tabulated potential yourself, but in my own opinion there is bound to be as good (or better) potentials for SiO2 compared to this one from 1990... A lot of articles have been published since, and there are at least 10 (if not 30) other potentials in QuantumATK for Si+O, including the very popular Tersoff ones, or for glassy materials with partial charges you can try Pedone or some COMB potential.