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Energy dependent LDOS for a benzene device

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The attached figure shows the LDOS along z (averaged over x and y), for DTB coupled with gold electrodes. Note how the high density of states coincides with the resonances in the transmission spectrum. I also attach the scripts used for generating the figure.

Dear Dr. kstokbro,
      Can you give any suggestions to extract the date of the energy relevent LDOS, and then plot the Z-Energy figure by other software, e.g. origin. Another, the scale of the color bar could be helpful to understand this figure.

      Thank you.

There will be a tutorial with this within the next couple of days. The tutorial is currently being reviewed and should be ready any moment.

Thank you, Dr. kstokbro.
Another, when analysizing the Local Device Density of States, one can do it only at one energy value, whether is it possible to describe the LDOS at one optional energy range, e. g. from -1 to 1 eV. If so, the LDOS distribution (partial charge) on the real atom (atoms) can be viewed, not just the Z  coordinate.  right?

Anders Blom:

About the energy range, you can easily make a script that runs over a sequence of energies, but keep in mind you get a 3D grid for each one. It's possible to project them on a particular point in space, if that's what you want. For any 3D grid, you can ask for the value of the grid in a point (x,y,z) like so:

--- Code: (python) ---grid_data = LocalDeviceDensityOfStates(...)
value_at_point = grid_data.evaluate(x,y,z)
--- End code ---


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