1. What problem is that? There shouldn't be any problem when you run the script (well, maybe except for "nlprint", you should remove that) and as I said you cannot do anything in VNL with this NC file.
2. If your system becomes completely distorted, then there are no symmetries, and then you cannot define a bandstructure in the traditional sense (a completely general lattice has no symmetries at all, it's triclinic), so you would need to look for other measures of how the system responds to the strain. But I think you are still "approximately hexagonal" if you apply a small strain, so the current approach is the appropriate one for looking at things like broken degeneracies, changes in effective masses, etc.
So, under the small strain, the hexagonal symmetry points are not strictly speaking high symmetry points, but they are as close as you can get, and they are correctly defined in this way.