Author Topic: about some parameters in the New Calculator of 12.2.8  (Read 4308 times)

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Offline njuxyh

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Dear all:
i have some issues unclear about the setting up in the New Calculator, so please help me ;

first if i choose the ATK-DFT option, in the basic settings, there are a box "NO SCF interation", i saw in the example , it says click it means only relax the scatter region? the eletrode is fixed?
but when i do a scf calculation, and then calculate the transmission spectra, the electronic density SCF interaction is needed, why in the another example [url]] , it says click it means only relax the scatter region? the eletrode is fixed?
but when i do a scf calculation, and then calculate the transmission spectra, the electronic density SCF interaction is needed, why in the another example http:// , the part 3. Open the second New Calculator block, and select the Extended Hückel calculator this time.
 the NO SCF interaction is still chosed.

i saw several examples, some classic potential is used in relaxing process. so i am wondering in a serious calculation(for publication), it is OK? because i used DFT method  in 2008 version. and have no idea about the classic potential method.   

where is my wrong, please help me make these questions clearly?

Offline kstokbro

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Re: about some parameters in the New Calculator of 12.2.8
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2013, 13:58 »
For the most accurate calculation always use SCF. SCF means that you perform a self consistent calculation of the electron density, and it is not related to how the relaxation is done.

For a serious calculation you can pre-relax with a classical potential, and take the relaxed configuration of the classical potential and relax with DFT.

Offline njuxyh

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Re: about some parameters in the New Calculator of 12.2.8
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2013, 04:17 »
you said the For the most accurate calculation always use SCF. SCF means that you perform a self consistent calculation of the electron density, and it is not related to how the relaxation is done.

i have saw the words in the step 4 the example of[][[/url]
Therefore, double-click the inserted "New Calculator" block in the right-hand panel, and open the "Iteration control parameters". Here, place a tick-mark in the box "No SCF iteration". This will cause ATK to run through only the equivalent bulk calculation, but not perform a full self-consistent calculation with transport boundary conditions, for each step in the geometry optimization[/b]

so here NO SCF interation is related the relaxation,
here what is the meaning of NO SCF interation?
so i don not  understand, relaxed only the central regoion or the whole system? the eletrode can be relaxed in 12.2.8?