from ATK.TwoProbe import *
from ATK.MPI import processIsMaster
# Generate time stamp
if processIsMaster():
import platform, time
print '#',time.ctime()
print '#',platform.node(),platform.platform()+'\n'
# Opening vnlfile
if processIsMaster(): file = VNLFile('sample_tp.vnl')
# Scattering elements and coordinates
scattering_elements = [Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon]
scattering_coordinates = [[ 7.755, 0. , 10.99 ],
[ 8.46 , 0. , 9.769],
[ 10.575, 0. , 10.99 ],
[ 9.87 , 0. , 9.769],
[ 14.805, 0. , 18.316],
[ 14.1 , 0. , 17.095],
[ 16.215, 0. , 18.316],
[ 16.92 , 0. , 17.095],
[ 19.035, 0. , 18.316],
[ 18.33 , 0. , 17.095],
[ 7.755, 0. , 20.759],
[ 8.46 , 0. , 19.538],
[ 10.575, 0. , 20.759],
[ 9.87 , 0. , 19.538],
[ 11.985, 0. , 20.759],
[ 12.69 , 0. , 19.538],
[ 14.805, 0. , 20.759],
[ 14.1 , 0. , 19.538],
[ 16.215, 0. , 20.759],
[ 16.92 , 0. , 19.538],
[ 19.035, 0. , 20.759],
[ 18.33 , 0. , 19.538],
[ 7.755, 0. , 23.201],
[ 8.46 , 0. , 21.98 ],
[ 10.575, 0. , 23.201],
[ 9.87 , 0. , 21.98 ],
[ 11.985, 0. , 23.201],
[ 12.69 , 0. , 21.98 ],
[ 14.805, 0. , 23.201],
[ 14.1 , 0. , 21.98 ],
[ 16.215, 0. , 23.201],
[ 16.92 , 0. , 21.98 ],
[ 19.035, 0. , 23.201],
[ 16.215, 0. , 28.085],
[ 16.92 , 0. , 26.864],
[ 19.035, 0. , 28.085],
[ 18.33 , 0. , 26.864],
[ 7.755, 0. , 30.527],
[ 8.46 , 0. , 29.306],
[ 10.575, 0. , 30.527],
[ 9.87 , 0. , 29.306],
[ 11.985, 0. , 30.527],
[ 12.69 , 0. , 29.306],
[ 14.805, 0. , 30.527],
[ 14.1 , 0. , 29.306],
[ 16.215, 0. , 30.527],
[ 16.92 , 0. , 29.306],
[ 19.035, 0. , 30.527],
[ 18.33 , 0. , 29.306],
[ 7.755, 0. , 32.97 ],
[ 8.46 , 0. , 31.748],
[ 10.575, 0. , 32.97 ],
[ 9.87 , 0. , 31.748],
[ 11.985, 0. , 32.97 ],
[ 12.69 , 0. , 31.748],
[ 14.805, 0. , 32.97 ],
[ 14.1 , 0. , 31.748],
[ 16.215, 0. , 32.97 ],
[ 16.92 , 0. , 31.748],
[ 19.035, 0. , 32.97 ],
[ 18.33 , 0. , 31.748],
[ 7.755, 0. , 35.412],
[ 8.46 , 0. , 34.191],
[ 10.575, 0. , 35.412],
[ 16.92 , 0. , 36.633],
[ 19.035, 0. , 37.854],
[ 18.33 , 0. , 36.633]]*Angstrom
electrode_elements = [Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon,
Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon]
electrode_coordinates = [[ 7.755, 0. , 1.221],
[ 8.46 , 0. , 0. ],
[ 10.575, 0. , 1.221],
[ 9.87 , 0. , 0. ],
[ 11.985, 0. , 1.221],
[ 12.69 , 0. , 0. ],
[ 14.805, 0. , 1.221],
[ 7.755, 0. , 3.663],
[ 8.46 , 0. , 2.442],
[ 10.575, 0. , 3.663],
[ 9.87 , 0. , 2.442],
[ 11.985, 0. , 3.663],
[ 12.69 , 0. , 2.442],
[ 14.805, 0. , 3.663],
[ 14.1 , 0. , 2.442],
[ 16.215, 0. , 3.663],
[ 16.92 , 0. , 2.442],
[ 19.035, 0. , 3.663],
[ 18.33 , 0. , 2.442],
[ 7.755, 0. , 6.105],
[ 8.46 , 0. , 4.884],
[ 10.575, 0. , 6.105],
[ 9.87 , 0. , 4.884],
[ 11.985, 0. , 6.105],
[ 12.69 , 0. , 4.884],
[ 14.805, 0. , 6.105],
[ 9.87 , 0. , 7.327],
[ 11.985, 0. , 8.548],
[ 12.69 , 0. , 7.327],
[ 14.805, 0. , 8.548],
[ 14.1 , 0. , 7.327],
[ 16.215, 0. , 8.548],
[ 16.92 , 0. , 7.327],
[ 19.035, 0. , 8.548],
[ 18.33 , 0. , 7.327]]*Angstrom
electrode_cell = [[ 12.78774, 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 30. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , 9.844 ]]*Angstrom
# Set up electrodes
electrode_configuration = PeriodicAtomConfiguration(
# Set up two-probe configuration
twoprobe_configuration = TwoProbeConfiguration(
if processIsMaster(): nlPrint(twoprobe_configuration)
if processIsMaster(): file.addToSample(twoprobe_configuration, 'sample_tp')
# Central region parameters
exchange_correlation_type = LDA.PZ
iteration_mixing_parameters = iterationMixingParameters(
algorithm = IterationMixing.Pulay,
diagonal_mixing_parameter = 0.05,
quantity = IterationMixing.Hamiltonian,
history_steps = 6
electron_density_parameters = electronDensityParameters(
mesh_cutoff = 150.0*Rydberg
basis_set_parameters = basisSetParameters(
type = SingleZetaPolarizedPolarized,
radial_sampling_dr = 0.001*Bohr,
energy_shift = 0.01*Rydberg,
delta_rinn = 0.8,
v0 = 40.0*Rydberg,
charge = 0.0,
split_norm = 0.15
iteration_control_parameters = iterationControlParameters(
tolerance = 1e-005,
criterion = IterationControl.TotalEnergy,
max_steps = 100
electrode_voltages = (0.0,0.0)*Volt
two_probe_algorithm_parameters = twoProbeAlgorithmParameters(
electrode_constraint = ElectrodeConstraints.Off,
initial_density_type = InitialDensityType.NeutralAtom
energy_contour_integral_parameters = energyContourIntegralParameters(
circle_points = 100,
integral_lower_bound = 10*Rydberg,
fermi_line_points = 10,
fermi_function_poles = 4,
real_axis_infinitesimal = 0.01*electronVolt,
real_axis_point_density = 0.02*electronVolt
two_center_integral_parameters = twoCenterIntegralParameters(
cutoff = 2500.0*Rydberg,
points = 1024
# Left electrode parameters
left_electrode_electron_density_parameters = electronDensityParameters(
mesh_cutoff = 150.0*Rydberg
left_electrode_iteration_control_parameters = iterationControlParameters(
tolerance = 1e-005,
criterion = IterationControl.TotalEnergy,
max_steps = 100
left_electrode_brillouin_zone_integration_parameters = brillouinZoneIntegrationParameters(
monkhorst_pack_parameters = (16, 1, 200)
left_electrode_iteration_mixing_parameters = iterationMixingParameters(
algorithm = IterationMixing.Pulay,
diagonal_mixing_parameter = 0.05,
quantity = IterationMixing.Hamiltonian,
history_steps = 6
left_electrode_eigenstate_occupation_parameters = eigenstateOccupationParameters(
temperature = 300.0*Kelvin
# Collect left electrode parameters
left_electrode_parameters = ElectrodeParameters(
brillouin_zone_integration_parameters = left_electrode_brillouin_zone_integration_parameters,
electron_density_parameters = left_electrode_electron_density_parameters,
eigenstate_occupation_parameters = left_electrode_eigenstate_occupation_parameters,
iteration_mixing_parameters = left_electrode_iteration_mixing_parameters,
iteration_control_parameters = left_electrode_iteration_control_parameters
# Right electrode parameters
right_electrode_electron_density_parameters = electronDensityParameters(
mesh_cutoff = 150.0*Rydberg
right_electrode_iteration_control_parameters = iterationControlParameters(
tolerance = 1e-005,
criterion = IterationControl.TotalEnergy,
max_steps = 100
right_electrode_brillouin_zone_integration_parameters = brillouinZoneIntegrationParameters(
monkhorst_pack_parameters = (16, 1, 200)
right_electrode_iteration_mixing_parameters = iterationMixingParameters(
algorithm = IterationMixing.Pulay,
diagonal_mixing_parameter = 0.05,
quantity = IterationMixing.Hamiltonian,
history_steps = 6
right_electrode_eigenstate_occupation_parameters = eigenstateOccupationParameters(
temperature = 300.0*Kelvin
# Collect right electrode parameters
right_electrode_parameters = ElectrodeParameters(
brillouin_zone_integration_parameters = right_electrode_brillouin_zone_integration_parameters,
electron_density_parameters = right_electrode_electron_density_parameters,
eigenstate_occupation_parameters = right_electrode_eigenstate_occupation_parameters,
iteration_mixing_parameters = right_electrode_iteration_mixing_parameters,
iteration_control_parameters = right_electrode_iteration_control_parameters
# Initialize self-consistent field calculation
two_probe_method = TwoProbeMethod(
electrode_parameters = (left_electrode_parameters,right_electrode_parameters),
exchange_correlation_type = exchange_correlation_type,
iteration_mixing_parameters = iteration_mixing_parameters,
electron_density_parameters = electron_density_parameters,
basis_set_parameters = basis_set_parameters,
iteration_control_parameters = iteration_control_parameters,
energy_contour_integral_parameters = energy_contour_integral_parameters,
two_center_integral_parameters = two_center_integral_parameters,
electrode_voltages = electrode_voltages,
algorithm_parameters = two_probe_algorithm_parameters
if processIsMaster(): nlPrint(two_probe_method)
runtime_parameters = runtimeParameters(
verbosity_level = 10,
checkpoint_filename = None
# Perform self-consistent field calculation
scf = executeSelfConsistentCalculation(
runtime_parameters = runtime_parameters
This is the used script file in my ongoing calculation, in which the diagonal mixing has been changed into 0.05 and the SingleZetaPolarized orbital has been adopted.
In the previous calculation, the diagonal mixing is 0.1 and the SingleZeta orbital is used.