I found that my probe-system calculation can terminated normally when the quantity of the MPSH eigenstates was less than 17, however, can not terminated normally when the quantity was 18 or larger.
In the case of the latter, the *.vnl file can still plot normally in the Nanoscope but there are only 17(index from 0 to 16) eigenstates, and other eigenstates above the 17th can't present in the nanoscope list. The error message in the output log is as below:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:/docume~1/admini~1/locals~1/temp/tmpb12hgk.nl", line 298, in ?
if processIsMaster(): file.addToSample(state, 'MPSH 2.0V', label)
Terminated Abnormally
Can anyone tell me the reason? And how can I solve the problem? Thanks in advance!